Regional Supervising Coroner Central W |
1 |
$183,735 |
President, OPPA |
1 |
$117,901 |
Coordinator Health Care Services |
1 |
$136,131 |
Director, Police Support Serv. Branch |
1 |
$178,774 |
Health Services Project Lead |
1 |
$174,586 |
Manager, Administration Section |
1 |
$104,585 |
Senior Invest. ECrime |
1 |
$109,734 |
Senior Education Consultant |
1 |
$194,341 |
Manager, Special Projects |
1 |
$103,905 |
Manager, Staff Development |
1 |
$100,366 |
Coordinator Emergency Response |
1 |
$104,955 |
Information Management Advisor |
1 |
$142,729 |
Testing Lead |
1 |
$127,095 |
Senior Project Manager, Telecom. |
1 |
$120,607 |
HRPPU Analyst |
1 |
$111,134 |
Regional Supervising Coroner Eastern |
1 |
$183,735 |
Decommissioning Coordinator |
1 |
$154,719 |
Executive Assistant to Exec. Lead ASD |
1 |
$111,624 |
Manager, Young Offender Services |
1 |
$155,462 |
Executive Assistant to ADM Com. |
1 |
$140,661 |
Canine Program Coordinator |
1 |
$105,392 |
Director, CIB |
1 |
$103,651 |
General Duty Officer Female Unit |
1 |
$113,388 |
Manager IT Strategic Architecture |
1 |
$190,977 |
Manager for Pathology Services |
1 |
$117,286 |
Regional Business Admin. Coordinator |
1 |
$164,268 |
Food Service Manager |
1 |
$127,768 |
Commissioner, OPP |
1 |
$187,150 |
Identification Officer |
1 |
$110,535 |
Manager, Oper . And Tele. Services |
1 |
$205,239 |
Coordinator Mgmt Training And Field Su. |
1 |
$161,647 |
Provincial Deputy Chief Coroner |
1 |
$190,938 |
Maintenance Supervisor |
1 |
$119,900 |
Chief Executive Lead IJP |
1 |
$155,698 |
Office Manager, CECC |
1 |
$167,126 |
Commander, Information Technology |
1 |
$118,953 |
Manager Land Use / Environ. Planning |
1 |
$114,673 |
Corporate Services Manager |
1 |
$140,413 |
Ride Team Member |
1 |
$105,621 |
Regional Supervising Coroner NE |
1 |
$183,735 |
Teacher |
1 |
$107,740 |
Coordinator |
1 |
$136,241 |
Director, Mgmnt And Operational Supp. |
1 |
$231,260 |
Executive Assistant to Deputy Minister |
1 |
$183,800 |
CSD Business Liaison |
1 |
$101,123 |
Manager, Food Services |
1 |
$140,989 |
Regional Director Support NW |
1 |
$114,753 |
Implementation Coordinator PPSDM |
1 |
$117,280 |
Organizational Development Analyst |
1 |
$121,637 |
Director, Communications |
1 |
$109,240 |
Director Anti-Rackets Section |
1 |
$107,914 |
Deputy Fire Marshal |
1 |
$111,436 |
Manager, Staff Relations |
1 |
$167,611 |
Wellness Officer |
1 |
$130,868 |
Project Analyst, SLVCandTC |
1 |
$153,315 |
Coordinator, Strategic Services |
1 |
$141,043 |
Senior Project Leader |
1 |
$211,953 |
Executive Assistant to ADM |
1 |
$150,160 |
ITSM Change Manager |
1 |
$129,599 |
Explosives Disposal Coordinator |
1 |
$105,698 |
Director, IRP |
1 |
$175,724 |
Director Support Services |
1 |
$103,279 |
Senior HR Consultant |
1 |
$144,009 |
District Bailiff |
1 |
$106,099 |
Investigator, RACT |
1 |
$100,710 |
Assistant Team Leader, TRU |
1 |
$106,534 |
HR Advisor |
1 |
$149,828 |
Manager, Investigations And Sec. |
1 |
$110,099 |
Coordinator, Research And Stats. |
1 |
$123,683 |
Coordinator, Health Services |
1 |
$152,803 |
Commander, Oper. Policy And Support |
1 |
$105,766 |
Manager Mtce. And Envir. Services |
1 |
$132,630 |
Director |
1 |
$187,653 |
Adjudicator |
1 |
$102,047 |
Exec. Coordinator Y.O. Projects |
1 |
$229,892 |
Rec. Manager / Coord. Mtce |
1 |
$142,973 |
Regional Supervising Coroner GTA-W |
1 |
$164,964 |
Director, Staff Training |
1 |
$139,512 |
Investigator - PSB |
1 |
$106,055 |
Administrator, Central Recruiting |
1 |
$141,166 |
Coordinator Recreation Programs |
1 |
$113,438 |
Commander, North East Region |
1 |
$119,606 |
Director, Human Resources Branch |
1 |
$110,369 |
PKI Security Coordinator |
1 |
$131,946 |
Administrator G A T U |
1 |
$134,945 |
Director, Ont. Police College |
1 |
$125,659 |
Deputy Superintendent Oper. And Svcs. |
1 |
$139,250 |
Regional Manager Strategic Services |
1 |
$123,597 |
Policy Program Advisor |
1 |
$156,356 |
Commander, Field Support |
1 |
$127,011 |
Case Manager, CIB |
1 |
$103,958 |
Coordinator, Contract Management |
1 |
$100,395 |
Coordinator GMCP |
1 |
$113,885 |
Manager, Network Transition GMCP |
1 |
$103,914 |
Financial Advisor |
1 |
$120,340 |
Regional Financial Administrator |
1 |
$145,746 |
Manager, Applied Research |
1 |
$106,746 |
Senior Nutrition Consultant |
1 |
$149,632 |
Project Administrator TCU |
1 |
$125,111 |
Operational Manager |
1 |
$131,886 |
Coordinator Anti-Racism |
1 |
$166,407 |
Deputy Regional Director, A.I.S. |
1 |
$171,263 |
Manager, Crime Prev. And Invest. |
1 |
$120,285 |
Team Lead, Legal Doc And Sntc.Calculation |
1 |
$104,945 |
Manager, Regional Laboratory |
1 |
$101,030 |
ADM, Policing Services Division |
1 |
$137,944 |
Asst. HR Consultant |
1 |
$151,655 |
Manager Adult Community Services |
1 |
$132,896 |
Manager, Strategic Comm. |
1 |
$146,759 |
Director, Drug Enforcement |
1 |
$105,446 |
Senior Staff DO (CI) |
1 |
$130,534 |
IRP, Deputy Superintendent |
1 |
$148,245 |
Manager, HR Policy And Prog. Unit |
1 |
$176,259 |
Investigator, Weapons Enforcement |
1 |
$101,455 |
Manager, Chief Provincial Firearms |
1 |
$107,914 |
Project Manager, AIRP |
1 |
$144,023 |
Manager, Auxiliary Program |
1 |
$127,856 |
Pharmacist |
1 |
$167,915 |
Senior Network Architect |
1 |
$110,746 |
Senior Asst. Superintendent Corrections |
1 |
$152,332 |
Director, Corporate Communications |
1 |
$107,263 |
Program Coordinator |
1 |
$111,572 |
Administrative Coordinator |
1 |
$148,449 |
Senior Development Manager |
1 |
$158,228 |
Manager, Bus. Appl. Services |
1 |
$126,175 |
Deputy Superintendent, Special Assign. |
1 |
$149,786 |
Senior HRC, Eastern Region |
1 |
$169,195 |
Regional Supervising Coroner NW |
1 |
$183,735 |
Manager, Management Information Unit |
1 |
$153,619 |
Manager Strategic Corporate Issues |
1 |
$141,118 |
Commander, Eastern Region |
1 |
$115,350 |
Manager, Behavioural Sciences |
1 |
$104,279 |
Deputy Director, Integrated Justice |
1 |
$264,893 |
Senior I J P Project Manager |
1 |
$187,639 |
Senior Advisor to Chief Exec Lead |
1 |
$118,225 |
Executive Lead, Alt. Serv. Del. Project |
1 |
$259,110 |
Coordinator Provincial Auto Theft |
1 |
$107,164 |
Regional Supervising Coroner Central |
1 |
$183,735 |
Senior Staff Dev. Officer CECC |
1 |
$124,990 |
Regional Transition Coordinator |
1 |
$177,843 |
Policy Analyst, Transition |
1 |
$162,533 |
Coordinator Strategic Communications |
1 |
$146,176 |
Manager, Community Policing |
1 |
$125,744 |
Senior Issues Analyst |
1 |
$125,691 |
Analyst |
1 |
$128,675 |
Head, Solutions Delivery And Support |
1 |
$165,716 |
Manager Innovations |
1 |
$168,049 |
Team Member, TRU |
1 |
$113,139 |
Manager, Service Quality Management |
1 |
$153,931 |
Business Analyst |
1 |
$130,215 |
Manager, Female Offender Prog. |
1 |
$138,232 |
Deputy Superintendent Oper. And Services |
1 |
$151,663 |
Area Manager |
1 |
$137,889 |
Supervisor, TISU |
1 |
$102,418 |
Senior Consultant, Correctional Services |
1 |
$156,738 |
Manager, Information Mgmt Unit |
1 |
$129,430 |
Manager, Standards |
1 |
$112,738 |
Chief |
1 |
$111,181 |
Senior Staff DO (PDCO) |
1 |
$122,274 |
Deputy Superintendent Special Project |
1 |
$136,468 |
Manager, Quality Assurance Project |
1 |
$183,311 |
SSDO Irp Overage |
1 |
$117,080 |
Unit Commander |
1 |
$101,705 |
Deputy Superintendent Social Prog.Admin. |
1 |
$112,480 |
Teacher - Principal |
1 |
$202,371 |
Native And Female Prog. Coord. |
1 |
$128,022 |
Mgr., IandIT Security, Justice Cluster |
1 |
$103,142 |
Mgr., Professional And Shared Services |
1 |
$171,436 |
Director, Organized Crime |
1 |
$105,582 |
Manager, YO Programs |
1 |
$145,692 |
Fire Marshal of Ontario |
1 |
$145,822 |
Business Administrator |
1 |
$126,029 |
Polygraph Examiner |
1 |
$106,385 |
Director, Corporate Policy |
1 |
$129,525 |
Team Member NAPS |
1 |
$108,439 |
Industrial Manager, Trilcor |
1 |
$136,257 |
Project Manager, SJP |
1 |
$179,611 |
ADM, Young Offender Services |
1 |
$247,281 |
Program Analyst |
1 |
$129,563 |
Manager, Strategic Services |
1 |
$108,016 |
Executive Director |
1 |
$182,937 |
Manager Transition |
1 |
$188,880 |
Program Specialist, F.I.S |
1 |
$122,391 |
1 |
$111,684 |
Director, Offender Transition Project |
1 |
$111,957 |
Commander, Western Region |
1 |
$119,606 |
Manager, Fire Safety Standards |
1 |
$102,399 |
Manager Branch Business Unit |
1 |
$124,178 |
Chaplain (duty) |
1 |
$129,322 |
Program Analyst, Mplhrs Female |
1 |
$138,377 |
Advisor Ontario Police Services |
1 |
$102,446 |
Manager, Client Services |
1 |
$129,540 |
Commander, Operations |
1 |
$146,317 |
Investigator, Crime |
1 |
$100,152 |
Administrative Night Manager |
1 |
$104,413 |
Transition Support / Office Manager |
1 |
$115,103 |
Deputy Chief Coroner, Inquest |
1 |
$190,938 |
Lead, Corporate Project Initiatives |
1 |
$168,671 |
Director, Center Forensic Science |
1 |
$117,202 |
ADM, Adult Institutional Services |
1 |
$257,440 |
Supervisor, Area Crime |
1 |
$101,734 |
Information Analyst |
1 |
$127,916 |
Manager, Mission Critical Systems |
1 |
$101,668 |
Deputy Director, Support Services |
1 |
$116,784 |
Supervisor, RACT |
1 |
$107,094 |
Prosecutor |
1 |
$101,793 |
Manager, User Services |
1 |
$149,363 |
Regional Manager, Crime |
1 |
$101,860 |
Supervisor Admin. Services |
1 |
$152,289 |
SSDO Costart Overage |
1 |
$129,229 |
Manager, Select Systems And Appts. |
1 |
$169,452 |
Coordinator Central Recruitment |
1 |
$168,495 |
1 |
$130,443 |
Chief Psychologist |
1 |
$106,117 |
Dir., Strat And Corp. Issues PPSD Model |
1 |
$123,046 |
Coordinator, Strategic Com. |
1 |
$125,346 |
Multi Faith Chaplain |
1 |
$134,415 |
Manager, CSD-HR Team |
1 |
$169,686 |
Manager, Infrastructure Services |
1 |
$164,016 |
Manager, YO Project Unit |
1 |
$119,647 |
Manager, Alternate Dispute Resolution |
1 |
$104,736 |
Commander, Investigations And Enforcement |
1 |
$137,133 |
Team Lead, Training |
1 |
$138,301 |
Deputy Superintendent Operational Srvcs |
1 |
$152,625 |
Chief Instructor, OPC |
1 |
$100,432 |
Assistant Deputy Fire Marshal |
1 |
$106,852 |
Director, Transition Planning |
1 |
$227,192 |
ADM, Community Corrections |
1 |
$237,304 |
Director, Bus. And Financial Planning |
1 |
$100,471 |
Supervisor Admin. Operations |
1 |
$150,407 |
General Manager, Trilcor Laundry |
1 |
$163,835 |
Ride Team Member, CMVU |
1 |
$103,388 |
Commander, Professional Standards |
1 |
$107,843 |
Manager, Comm. And Corporate Issues |
1 |
$187,782 |
Manager, End User Support |
1 |
$108,546 |
ADM, Planning And Policy Division |
1 |
$126,664 |
Special Advisor, First Nations |
1 |
$158,556 |
Deputy Regional Director, (YO) |
1 |
$173,971 |
Planning Consultant |
1 |
$127,988 |
Service Management Coordinator |
1 |
$110,060 |
Senior Manager Central Lan Ops |
1 |
$102,898 |
Procurement Advisor |
1 |
$113,562 |
Anti-Racism Trainer |
1 |
$125,875 |
Specifications Analyst |
1 |
$134,851 |
Contract Compliance Manager |
1 |
$164,647 |
Coordinator, Chaplaincy Service |
1 |
$117,145 |
Manager, Corporate Policy-MCS |
1 |
$118,676 |
Commander, Central Region |
1 |
$117,595 |
Manager, Employee Tran Unit |
1 |
$180,271 |
Implementation Coordinator |
1 |
$103,184 |
Regional Systems Coordinator |
1 |
$111,326 |
Coordinator, Health Care Services |
1 |
$149,931 |
Senior Staff DO (M) |
1 |
$131,332 |
Regional Supervising Coroner SW |
1 |
$183,735 |
Coordinator Assessmt, Placemnt And Trs |
1 |
$128,726 |
Manager, Enterprise Incident Mgmt. |
1 |
$121,562 |
Manager, Program Effectiveness |
1 |
$141,527 |
Regional Director, Operations |
1 |
$108,202 |
Project Inspector |
1 |
$120,446 |
Investigator, AR Team |
1 |
$107,774 |
Chief Engineer |
2 |
$106,721 |
Program Manager Health Care, CECC |
2 |
$155,140 |
Correctional Officer |
2 |
$109,421 |
Deputy Regional Director (A.I.S.) |
2 |
$167,263 |
Chaplain |
2 |
$123,307 |
Coordinator Maintenance Services |
2 |
$135,786 |
Regional Commander |
2 |
$109,356 |
Head, Infrastructure Support |
2 |
$174,562 |
Fire Investigator |
2 |
$103,224 |
Commander, Investigations / Org. Crime |
2 |
$138,136 |
Senior Staff Development Officer |
2 |
$123,586 |
HR Team Lead |
2 |
$142,802 |
Transition Advisor |
2 |
$131,682 |
Senior HR Consultant North |
2 |
$151,210 |
Auditing And Inspection Officer |
2 |
$103,925 |
Regional Supervising Coroner |
2 |
$181,820 |
Senior Transition Specialist |
2 |
$169,988 |
Manager, Planning |
2 |
$199,107 |
Investigator, Community Resp. |
2 |
$102,101 |
Deputy Regional Director (YO) |
2 |
$160,632 |
Senior Staff Relations Officer |
2 |
$125,271 |
Program Advisor |
2 |
$122,230 |
Senior Business Advisor |
2 |
$165,219 |
Project Officer |
2 |
$138,836 |
Commander, Investigations Support |
2 |
$112,517 |
Chief Coroner |
2 |
$192,150 |
Commander Corporate Support |
2 |
$148,925 |
Forensic Pathologist |
2 |
$134,262 |
Nurse |
2 |
$120,389 |
OPP Implementation Manager GMCP |
2 |
$119,548 |
Deputy Minister |
2 |
$205,565 |
Executive Assistant |
3 |
$114,353 |
Supervisor Area Crime |
3 |
$102,895 |
Deputy Superintendent Admin. |
3 |
$144,502 |
Team Leader, TRU |
3 |
$114,545 |
Case Coordinator |
3 |
$139,538 |
Regional Supervisor Investigations |
3 |
$117,608 |
Head Nurse |
3 |
$141,197 |
Organizational Development Consultant |
4 |
$151,822 |
Director, Support Services |
4 |
$106,571 |
Investigator, CIB |
4 |
$109,392 |
Bureau Commander |
4 |
$113,968 |
Canine Handler |
4 |
$102,521 |
Operations Manager |
4 |
$105,858 |
Director of Operations |
4 |
$105,817 |
Regional Director, Institution |
4 |
$198,595 |
Regional Director, Community And YO |
5 |
$210,935 |
Staff Relations Officer |
5 |
$130,146 |
Deputy Regional Director (Community) |
5 |
$132,477 |
Policy / Program Advisor |
5 |
$132,699 |
Health Care Coordinator |
5 |
$137,268 |
Coordinator, Maintenance Services |
5 |
$119,579 |
Investigator, PSB |
5 |
$125,802 |
Deputy Superintendent |
7 |
$150,712 |
Food Services Manager |
7 |
$142,104 |
Commander |
8 |
$106,034 |
Deputy Superintendent Services |
8 |
$149,760 |
Deputy Superintendent Programs |
8 |
$147,980 |
Team Leader |
10 |
$111,564 |
Area Manager, Probation And Parole |
10 |
$119,707 |
HR Consultant |
13 |
$136,811 |
Law Enforcement Officer |
14 |
$106,755 |
Office Manager |
14 |
$134,032 |
Area Manager Probation And Parole |
16 |
$112,969 |
General Duty Officer |
18 |
$123,988 |
Deputy Superintendent Operations |
26 |
$140,163 |
Deputy Superintendent Administration |
27 |
$150,228 |
Superintendent |
53 |
$165,565 |
Operational Manager |
376 |
$129,824 |