The names, positions, salaries and total taxable benefits of public sector employees paid $100,000 or more in a calendar year.
In this page
Average Salary in 2024
Median Salary in 2024
![]() |
20.09% Male |
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79.91% Female |
| ||||||||
Below is the quartile breakdown of the salary range. |
255 employees received a salary between $100,090 - $122,451 |
609 employees received a salary between $122,451 - $144,813 |
6 employees received a salary between $144,813 - $167,174 |
1 employees received a salary between $167,174 - $189,535 |
Majority of the employees were paid within the salary range encompassing the second quartile breakdown.
What were the average and median salaries for a Elementary Teacher at Upper Grand District School Board listed in the 2024 Sunshine List?
The 2024 Ontario Sunshine List shows that the average and median salaries for a Elementary Teacher are $126,041.19and $131,796.99, respectively at Upper Grand District School Board.
What is the highest salary for a Elementary Teacher at Upper Grand District School Board?
Katherine Abdool, who worked as a Elementary Teacher at the Upper Grand District School Board, earned the highest salary of $132,798.23, including taxable benefits, among all individuals in the organization holding the same position in 2024.
What is the representation of gender diversity for Elementary Teacher at Upper Grand District School Board?
The 2024 Ontario Sunshine List indicates that the representation of gender diversity in Elementary Teacher at Upper Grand District School Board is 20.09% male and 79.91% female, respectively.
Upper Grand District School Board had 871 employees who held positions as Elementary Teacher in the 2024 Sunshine List.
Full Name | Salary Paid | Taxable Benefit |
Katherine Abdool | $132,700 | $98 |
Jodi Abra | $108,197 | $98 |
Gregory Ackroyd | $111,626 | $98 |
Kalin Adair | $132,512 | $98 |
Jodi Adams | $133,113 | $98 |
Charles Agro | $105,310 | $89 |
Ned Aiken | $127,064 | $96 |
Natalie Airdrie | $133,182 | $98 |
Lori Albrecht | $133,006 | $98 |
Erin Allen | $111,081 | $98 |
Jeremy Allen | $115,754 | $98 |
Kirsten Allen | $123,057 | $98 |
Lorie Allen | $112,139 | $92 |
Vincent Allen | $127,987 | $98 |
Peter Aloussis | $105,305 | $98 |
Michelle Altieri | $124,453 | $97 |
Mark Alton | $123,835 | $98 |
Heather Anderson | $110,888 | $98 |
J. David Anderson | $133,113 | $98 |
Lesley Anderson | $116,255 | $98 |
Melanie Anderson | $133,093 | $98 |
Catherine Andrews | $133,014 | $98 |
Jennifer Andrews | $110,908 | $96 |
Kimberly Andrews | $122,306 | $98 |
Laura Arand | $130,834 | $98 |
Tyler Archbold | $119,240 | $98 |
Loren Armstrong | $133,113 | $98 |
Rebecca Arndt | $119,377 | $98 |
Sarah Arnold | $132,050 | $98 |
Kelly Asher | $110,667 | $98 |
Emily Atkinson | $123,609 | $97 |
Daood Bacchus | $132,256 | $98 |
Natasha Backer | $118,106 | $98 |
Sandra Baguley | $124,908 | $98 |
Colleen Bailey | $104,336 | $24 |
Jennifer Bailey | $131,330 | $98 |
Alison Bakelaar | $113,248 | $98 |
Lorraine Baker | $119,450 | $98 |
Janet Bannerman | $133,053 | $98 |
Julie Bannon | $133,006 | $98 |
Peter Bannon | $133,006 | $98 |
Gudrun Barbour | $189,438 | $98 |
Andrea Bardens | $106,198 | $98 |
Thomas Barker | $117,651 | $98 |
Colin Barron | $133,016 | $98 |
Meghan Barry | $133,283 | $98 |
Kimberly Barth | $133,287 | $98 |
Brittany Bartlett | $109,826 | $98 |
Maureen Battaglia | $132,958 | $98 |
Danielle Bauer | $101,287 | $98 |
Laura Bauman | $120,988 | $98 |
Heather Bax | $107,479 | $98 |
David Beazley | $133,113 | $98 |
Kathryn Bechtel | $133,006 | $98 |
Adrienne Bell | $132,978 | $98 |
Jennifer Benediktson | $133,006 | $98 |
Rhys Bennett | $129,125 | $98 |
Holly Bennington | $122,619 | $98 |
Stephanie Bennington | $130,647 | $98 |
Michael Benotto | $132,425 | $98 |
Leigh Benstead | $133,299 | $98 |
Reid Berfelz | $106,479 | $98 |
Susan Berwick | $126,825 | $98 |
Gina Betts | $133,199 | $98 |
Melanie Bevington | $131,007 | $98 |
Corynn Billing | $122,741 | $95 |
Sarah Billings | $111,469 | $98 |
Tara Bilton | $129,347 | $98 |
Sherry Blanchard Verge | $121,007 | $98 |
Michelle Blears | $133,006 | $98 |
Catherine Blevins | $132,672 | $98 |
Shealynn Bodendistle | $133,314 | $98 |
Judith Bond | $132,962 | $98 |
Andrew Bonter | $116,309 | $98 |
Cherish Borman | $133,333 | $98 |
Allison Boudko | $123,533 | $98 |
Stephanie Bowden | $133,006 | $98 |
Anthony Bowman | $133,060 | $98 |
Krista Bradley | $129,237 | $98 |
Lisa Breton | $120,619 | $98 |
Angela Brnjas | $113,304 | $98 |
Sonja Brock | $133,060 | $98 |
Megan Brodie | $106,437 | $98 |
Jane Brooks | $122,883 | $95 |
Chelsea Brown | $124,898 | $98 |
Chris Brown | $133,024 | $98 |
Christopher Brown | $133,015 | $98 |
Kerri Brown | $132,443 | $98 |
Lynda Brown | $130,105 | $98 |
William Brown | $134,506 | $98 |
Cynthia Brown-leigh | $132,919 | $98 |
Cameron Brubacher | $112,215 | $98 |
Jennifer Bruce | $131,490 | $98 |
Julie Brundle | $132,576 | $98 |
Jana Bruner | $122,412 | $98 |
Beverley Brunet | $124,338 | $98 |
Karrie-Ann Brutzki | $108,335 | $98 |
Kathlene Bryan | $131,565 | $98 |
Jaclyn Bryson | $132,398 | $98 |
Timothy Buchan | $128,502 | $98 |
Krista Buchta | $138,058 | $98 |
Andrew Buck | $124,761 | $98 |
Shannon Busby-Granter | $114,798 | $98 |
Lisa Butler | $133,022 | $98 |
Sonya Butler | $117,878 | $93 |
Stephanie Butterworth | $114,892 | $98 |
Alexander Byers | $105,618 | $96 |
David Byers | $132,969 | $98 |
Julie Byers | $127,781 | $98 |
Kerry Cabeldu | $107,841 | $98 |
Monique Cadieux | $132,650 | $98 |
Melanie Cairns | $120,322 | $98 |
Rebecca Calder | $127,699 | $98 |
Kyla Calzonetti | $104,210 | $96 |
Rachel Cameron | $106,841 | $98 |
Rachel L Cameron | $132,528 | $98 |
Andrew Campbell | $132,861 | $98 |
Courtney Campbell | $106,349 | $98 |
Kelsey Campbell | $126,697 | $98 |
Shayne Campbell | $131,690 | $98 |
Janelle Capell | $133,007 | $98 |
Anthony Cappello | $131,625 | $98 |
Laura Carrie | $104,730 | $98 |
Lauren Carruthers | $105,312 | $98 |
Ryan Carter | $131,699 | $98 |
Ashleigh Cass | $133,113 | $98 |
Barbara Caunter | $134,464 | $98 |
Douglas Caverly | $133,006 | $98 |
Laurie Caverly | $132,961 | $98 |
Jordan Cera | $120,523 | $98 |
Nancy Cerson | $133,007 | $98 |
Sarah Chambers | $111,326 | $97 |
April Chan | $115,862 | $98 |
Patricia Chapman | $132,993 | $98 |
Nkese Charles-Campbell | $114,865 | $92 |
Cecilia Cheng | $131,257 | $98 |
Danielle Christensen | $112,606 | $98 |
Meghann Christie | $132,477 | $98 |
Mia Cikovic | $102,060 | $87 |
Steve Clark | $133,272 | $98 |
Stephanie Clarke | $132,679 | $98 |
Maureen Cleary | $133,006 | $98 |
Meghan Close | $127,386 | $98 |
Jill Clyde | $133,006 | $98 |
Holly Cochrane | $127,834 | $98 |
James Coleman | $132,864 | $98 |
Vanessa Collie | $131,820 | $98 |
Darin Collier | $124,556 | $98 |
Janet Collins | $133,060 | $98 |
Patricia Collins | $131,832 | $98 |
Amanda Condon | $104,938 | $98 |
Jacqueline Coniglio | $110,006 | $98 |
Kelly Connors | $100,388 | $98 |
Nicole Connors | $128,682 | $98 |
Jennifer Cook | $128,808 | $98 |
Margaret Cook | $115,456 | $98 |
Jill Coolman | $133,290 | $98 |
Matthew Cooper | $132,984 | $98 |
Kendra Corbett | $107,413 | $96 |
Scott Corrigan | $131,146 | $98 |
Lisa Cottrell | $115,054 | $98 |
Johanna Cottrill | $133,074 | $98 |
Danielle Coulson | $129,810 | $91 |
James Cox | $132,938 | $98 |
Kim Crago | $156,369 | $98 |
Martine Cramer | $132,841 | $98 |
Mary Crandall | $116,341 | $97 |
Stephanie Crandall | $115,743 | $96 |
Joshua Cranston | $132,767 | $98 |
Kelly Crawford | $121,673 | $98 |
Louise Cremasco | $133,006 | $98 |
Kathleen Crichton | $102,571 | $98 |
Jacen Cruickshank | $133,027 | $98 |
Carla Cruttenden | $115,589 | $98 |
Angela Curtis | $133,035 | $98 |
Tess Curtis | $116,293 | $98 |
Suzanne Curvan | $103,108 | $97 |
Michelle Dafoe | $132,996 | $98 |
Tiffany Dammeier | $133,137 | $98 |
Tracey Darling | $120,125 | $98 |
Stacy Daughen Anderson | $133,402 | $98 |
Melissa Davidson | $133,719 | $98 |
Dominique Davies | $119,529 | $98 |
Phuong De Bock | $134,107 | $98 |
Sarah Demers | $129,545 | $98 |
Petra Demysh | $133,256 | $98 |
Jennifer Derma | $134,904 | $98 |
Jennifer Dewar | $133,089 | $98 |
Harwant Dhaliwal | $109,032 | $98 |
Kristyn Di Girolamo | $124,534 | $98 |
Darwin Diebel | $133,006 | $98 |
Laura Ditner | $106,345 | $98 |
Holly Dodsworth Garvey | $132,864 | $98 |
Meghan Doig | $112,542 | $98 |
Anna Dolsen | $126,444 | $98 |
Tanya Domm | $133,113 | $98 |
Julie Donegani | $137,054 | $98 |
Sarah Donnelly | $130,663 | $98 |
Robin Doty | $132,087 | $98 |
Jason Doucette | $133,668 | $98 |
Cara Douglas | $133,006 | $98 |
Krista Douglas | $133,006 | $98 |
Ryan Dowdall | $133,006 | $98 |
Jennica Drake | $131,961 | $98 |
Amy Drew | $132,363 | $98 |
Emily Drinkwater | $107,482 | $98 |
Heather Drouillard | $111,828 | $87 |
Brennan Drumm | $126,069 | $98 |
Christine Drumm | $105,804 | $98 |
Marcia Dubuc | $132,666 | $98 |
Amanda Dunbar | $130,779 | $98 |
Aaron Duncan | $133,006 | $98 |
Alison Duncan | $107,285 | $98 |
Carrie Dunk | $132,475 | $98 |
Katherine Dunlop | $102,181 | $98 |
Jaclyn Duskocy | $132,820 | $98 |
Jesse Dyke | $110,795 | $98 |
Cathryn Dykstra | $133,012 | $98 |
Jennifer Eardley | $109,484 | $98 |
Cindy Ecclestone | $124,908 | $98 |
Jacqueline Edwards | $105,158 | $98 |
Karon Edwards | $100,839 | $98 |
Linda Eisen | $131,811 | $98 |
Emily Elder | $137,660 | $98 |
Kay Elford | $131,479 | $97 |
Joshua Ellis | $133,111 | $98 |
Nathan Ellis | $139,191 | $98 |
Brendan Embrey | $106,198 | $98 |
Megan Endeman | $132,864 | $98 |
Katherine Enders | $120,526 | $98 |
Sherrie Engelen | $116,199 | $98 |
Darcy England | $124,911 | $98 |
Amber Ennis | $115,829 | $98 |
Mary Enright Cornish | $132,027 | $98 |
Angela Esposito | $107,609 | $98 |
Lori Eurig | $132,903 | $98 |
Sarah Everett | $125,713 | $98 |
Meghan Ewing | $107,625 | $98 |
Brandon Eyer | $124,409 | $47 |
Kei Fanjoy | $133,151 | $98 |
Csilla Farkas | $104,430 | $98 |
Paul Farmer | $133,008 | $98 |
Bryan Farnworth | $133,046 | $98 |
Laurel Farrell | $133,006 | $98 |
Sherri Farrow | $134,458 | $98 |
Elizabeth Fendley | $133,967 | $98 |
Terrance Fendley | $120,603 | $98 |
Erin Fennema | $119,842 | $98 |
Amanda Ferguson | $133,051 | $98 |
Ashley Ferguson | $131,102 | $98 |
Dana Ferguson | $133,006 | $98 |
Rebecca Ferguson | $126,681 | $98 |
Karen Fernandes | $133,061 | $98 |
Emily Ferris | $132,280 | $98 |
James Fielding | $134,353 | $98 |
Meagan Filippakis | $119,975 | $98 |
Jason Findlayter | $113,876 | $98 |
Andrea Finlay | $100,090 | $0 |
Marla Firth | $137,103 | $98 |
Jennifer Fisher | $119,770 | $98 |
Stephanie Fisher | $133,364 | $98 |
Erin Flear | $106,477 | $98 |
Nadia Fleeton | $131,382 | $98 |
Samantha Fletcher | $132,108 | $98 |
Melissa Fook-Sheung | $118,780 | $98 |
Neil Foote | $131,904 | $98 |
James Ford | $119,228 | $98 |
Julia Foster | $133,006 | $98 |
Valerie-lyn Foster | $136,387 | $98 |
Gavin Fox | $132,923 | $98 |
Shannon Fox | $133,055 | $98 |
Kristen Franjic | $126,069 | $98 |
Jeremy Franks | $124,908 | $98 |
Megan Friedman | $119,839 | $98 |
Sarah Fries | $133,167 | $98 |
Kristin Frizzell | $133,121 | $98 |
Shannon Fry Mallany | $131,787 | $98 |
Sarrah Fulcher | $124,854 | $98 |
Susan Fulton | $124,407 | $98 |
Sara Furnival | $107,036 | $98 |
Scott Gaidies | $130,595 | $98 |
Katherine Gammage | $130,648 | $98 |
Kay Garrard | $107,548 | $98 |
Jason Gauci | $132,795 | $98 |
Mary Gaudette | $131,007 | $98 |
Brooke Gauld | $116,072 | $98 |
Tania Gauthier | $131,801 | $98 |
David Gear | $133,073 | $98 |
Tracey Gear | $132,520 | $98 |
Christy Geddes | $133,147 | $98 |
Aaron Gee | $133,090 | $98 |
Alana Gennings | $127,033 | $98 |
Adam Gertzbein | $130,658 | $98 |
Irene Gibson | $132,823 | $98 |
Valorie Giles | $132,928 | $98 |
Katherine Gojmerac | $134,080 | $98 |
Susanna Gold | $107,794 | $98 |
Alexandra Golding | $123,506 | $98 |
Adam Good | $129,409 | $98 |
David Gordanier | $132,676 | $98 |
Amy Gordon | $117,876 | $98 |
Dylan Gordon | $131,904 | $98 |
Kimberley Gordon | $132,914 | $98 |
Shannon Gorr | $122,942 | $98 |
Robert Graham | $124,987 | $98 |
Sandra Graham | $133,327 | $98 |
Meredith Grant | $135,599 | $98 |
Melissa Gray | $132,382 | $98 |
Rebecca Gray | $110,880 | $98 |
Nicollette Greer | $127,350 | $98 |
Virginia Greig | $121,506 | $94 |
David Grieves | $129,013 | $98 |
Cedric Grin | $132,852 | $98 |
Jennifer Guy | $133,307 | $98 |
Megan Haessler | $129,328 | $98 |
Sarah Haines | $125,766 | $98 |
Jerica Hamilton | $121,104 | $98 |
Kelly Hamilton | $129,934 | $97 |
Kenneth Hamilton | $131,629 | $98 |
Trevor Hamilton | $133,006 | $98 |
Jeff Hannah | $133,445 | $98 |
Crystal Hardy | $131,171 | $98 |
Alexandra Hart | $109,536 | $98 |
Heather Hart | $132,940 | $98 |
Stephanie Hartin Duffy | $132,384 | $98 |
Kerin Harwood | $136,858 | $98 |
Lindsay Hatfield | $101,183 | $90 |
Adam Hawkins | $109,982 | $98 |
Gregory Hawkins | $132,553 | $98 |
Sandra Hawkins | $133,113 | $98 |
Christa Hayes | $133,006 | $98 |
Stephanie Hayes | $133,113 | $98 |
Jennifer Hearn | $133,305 | $98 |
Marsha Heeley | $138,908 | $98 |
David Height | $121,696 | $98 |
Suzanne Hendrick | $126,683 | $98 |
Robert Henry | $121,877 | $98 |
Ann Hernandez | $132,181 | $98 |
Jennifer Hesch | $143,709 | $98 |
Lee-ann Hewitt | $133,158 | $98 |
Andrea Higgins | $132,333 | $98 |
Kathleen Hill | $121,642 | $98 |
Melissa Hill | $119,566 | $98 |
Shayla Hingston | $114,189 | $98 |
Tanya Hipfner | $131,617 | $98 |
Stewart Hirst | $133,115 | $98 |
Dayna Hoekstra | $133,201 | $98 |
Samantha Hoekstra | $133,028 | $98 |
Carol Hoey | $133,006 | $98 |
Michael Holmes | $102,887 | $87 |
Stephanie Holmes | $100,390 | $98 |
Keri Hons | $133,039 | $98 |
Scott Hopkins | $133,113 | $98 |
Susan Hopkins | $127,384 | $98 |
Rebecca Horton | $133,006 | $98 |
Crystal Hostein | $104,207 | $98 |
Aaron Hostrawser | $115,635 | $98 |
Jenny Hotte | $105,696 | $94 |
Connie Howald | $137,847 | $98 |
Benjamin Howard | $105,625 | $97 |
Bren Huhtala | $132,790 | $98 |
Jacqueline Hume | $127,872 | $98 |
Robert Hummel | $132,553 | $98 |
Terra Humphries | $133,064 | $98 |
Amanda Hunter | $135,190 | $98 |
Tamara Hunter | $133,130 | $98 |
Angela Hustler | $133,167 | $98 |
My Linh Huynh | $130,706 | $98 |
Lauren Ingram | $108,898 | $98 |
Julia Isla | $114,409 | $73 |
Bryce Jackson | $109,438 | $97 |
Geoffrey Jackson | $124,908 | $98 |
Valerie Jameson | $132,698 | $98 |
Rebekah Jamieson | $128,922 | $98 |
Courtney Jarman | $118,331 | $0 |
Kerry Jenkins | $107,120 | $98 |
Christopher Johnson | $133,008 | $98 |
Karen Johnson | $132,834 | $98 |
Michael Johnson | $110,478 | $40 |
Karen Johnston | $133,113 | $98 |
Nathan Johnston | $127,073 | $98 |
Ashley Jones | $133,136 | $98 |
Becky-Lee Jones | $105,372 | $98 |
Jennifer Jones | $106,925 | $98 |
Meaghan Jones | $117,955 | $98 |
Paul Jordan | $133,000 | $98 |
Gregg Josias | $131,904 | $98 |
Melisa Kakuda | $107,619 | $98 |
Kangan Kapoor | $110,988 | $98 |
Twyla Katsube | $133,060 | $98 |
Lauren Katsuno | $124,258 | $98 |
Sara Kaufman | $143,155 | $1,307 |
Kamaljeet Kaur | $123,800 | $98 |
Ramandeep Kaur Kullar | $100,040 | $96 |
Andrea Kavanagh | $111,151 | $49 |
Andrea Kelly | $119,751 | $98 |
Bradley Kelly | $132,967 | $98 |
Kathryn Kelly | $132,230 | $98 |
Leanne Kelly | $109,742 | $98 |
Karen Kelly-miller | $133,133 | $98 |
Kimberly Kelterborn | $133,113 | $98 |
Christine Kennedy | $132,361 | $98 |
Skye Kennedy | $124,908 | $98 |
Kristopher Kenney | $106,355 | $98 |
Rhiannon Kenny | $113,176 | $97 |
Erin Kent | $138,360 | $98 |
Tonya Kerr | $133,006 | $98 |
Lindsey Kiedrowski | $119,950 | $90 |
Jennifer King | $132,987 | $98 |
Christina Kirby | $131,700 | $98 |
James Kirk | $130,704 | $98 |
Laurena Kirkwood-Lazazzera | $121,450 | $97 |
Angela Klein | $133,452 | $98 |
Amanda Klimczuk | $133,002 | $98 |
Catherine Knicely | $127,859 | $98 |
Susan Koop | $132,793 | $98 |
Lucas Kordupel | $132,771 | $98 |
Taylor Kowch | $107,895 | $98 |
Ashley Kozak | $150,712 | $98 |
Alicia Kropf | $108,453 | $98 |
Michael Kumbhani | $132,955 | $98 |
Jacob Ladner | $133,061 | $98 |
Janet Lambier | $133,012 | $98 |
Julie Lampkin | $132,553 | $98 |
Samantha Landry | $131,223 | $98 |
Drew Landsborough | $133,006 | $98 |
Joyala Lanktree | $131,534 | $98 |
Angeline Lau | $132,315 | $98 |
Elyse Laughton | $132,353 | $98 |
Sarah Laughton | $131,958 | $98 |
Jennifer Law | $106,012 | $98 |
Jodi Lawson | $132,419 | $98 |
Sarah Lawson | $132,011 | $98 |
Laura Leach | $132,661 | $98 |
Mary Leach | $127,868 | $98 |
Michelle Lebon | $127,382 | $98 |
Margaret Lebrun | $132,779 | $98 |
Alison Leclair | $133,113 | $98 |
Emma Lee | $133,095 | $98 |
Tracey Lee | $133,117 | $98 |
Yong Lee | $106,514 | $98 |
Kimberley Lehman | $133,117 | $98 |
Natalie Leitch | $106,205 | $98 |
Nicole Lenselink | $104,644 | $98 |
Aleksandra Leonard | $132,808 | $98 |
Kristin Lepard | $120,361 | $95 |
Sarah Leroy Bates | $140,636 | $98 |
Karen Lewis | $122,284 | $98 |
Sofie Licastro | $133,639 | $98 |
Tara Lichty | $132,531 | $98 |
Jennifer Little | $129,996 | $98 |
Matthew Lobb | $120,935 | $98 |
Ryan Lockie | $133,006 | $98 |
Tobyn Londos | $113,822 | $98 |
Brett Long | $114,396 | $98 |
Cynthia Long | $132,662 | $98 |
Karen Lowrie | $133,224 | $98 |
Wendy Lowry | $135,809 | $98 |
Justyne Lucas | $108,625 | $98 |
Sarah Lukins | $104,884 | $98 |
Sarah Lush | $109,668 | $97 |
Lindsay Ly | $132,667 | $98 |
Lynne Lytle | $133,092 | $98 |
Cheryl Macdonald | $133,068 | $98 |
Kim Mackay-hoogkamp | $132,987 | $98 |
Andrea Mackenzie | $131,925 | $98 |
Anthea Mackenzie | $132,927 | $98 |
Gillian Mackenzie | $126,389 | $98 |
Natalie Mackenzie | $123,912 | $98 |
Kimberley Maclaren | $110,439 | $98 |
Michelle Maclellan | $105,652 | $98 |
Liette Macpherson | $133,012 | $98 |
Lisa Macpherson | $129,288 | $98 |
Andrew Mall | $132,739 | $98 |
Lindsay Mall | $112,776 | $98 |
Azure Manderson | $133,013 | $98 |
Elizabeth Mangos | $116,560 | $98 |
Deanna Manning | $105,977 | $96 |
Stacey Manzerolle | $131,379 | $98 |
Laura Marini | $128,688 | $98 |
Anna Mark | $132,426 | $98 |
Christine Marsden | $132,718 | $98 |
Kalpana Marshall | $131,063 | $98 |
Tania Marshall | $111,406 | $96 |
Amanda Marson | $115,367 | $98 |
Michael Marson | $132,910 | $98 |
Amy Martin | $119,370 | $98 |
Charlene Martin | $127,155 | $98 |
Corinne Martin | $102,988 | $98 |
Dawson Martin | $133,117 | $98 |
Monica Martin | $135,153 | $98 |
Janice Mason | $126,986 | $98 |
Sonya Mason | $133,004 | $98 |
Holly Masters | $122,724 | $98 |
Leah Masters | $132,450 | $98 |
Terra Matheson | $133,328 | $98 |
Colleen Matthews | $133,006 | $98 |
Courtney Matthews | $133,011 | $98 |
Nicole Maurer-west | $132,506 | $98 |
Heather Mavins | $132,443 | $98 |
Jacqueline May | $108,425 | $98 |
Elizabeth Mccallum | $115,690 | $98 |
Michelle Mccann | $127,987 | $98 |
Terri-Lynn Mccarthy | $126,802 | $98 |
Amy Mcclure | $104,448 | $98 |
Nicole Mcclure | $119,510 | $98 |
Crystal Mcconnell | $114,504 | $98 |
Jason Mccoy | $133,120 | $98 |
Kari Mccracken | $133,006 | $98 |
Paula Mccracken | $115,279 | $98 |
Naomi Mcculloch | $133,006 | $98 |
Jana Mccutcheon | $132,984 | $98 |
Celia Mcdermott | $133,006 | $98 |
Amanda Mcdonald | $132,967 | $98 |
Julia Mcdonald | $125,342 | $98 |
Deborah Mcdougall | $124,908 | $98 |
Melissa Mceachern | $132,400 | $98 |
Megan Mcfarlane | $128,310 | $98 |
Amanda Mcgarry | $131,137 | $98 |
Danielle Mcghee | $132,615 | $98 |
Melody Mcguire | $118,134 | $98 |
Tara Mcintyre Herne | $126,332 | $98 |
Robert Mciver | $124,933 | $98 |
Betty Mckee | $133,033 | $98 |
Bjorg Mckerracher | $124,518 | $98 |
Jennifer Mcknight | $130,925 | $98 |
Josie Mclaughlin | $133,099 | $98 |
Lorna Mclean | $133,019 | $98 |
Eilidh Mclellan | $133,006 | $98 |
Karen Mcnabb | $125,009 | $98 |
Lauren Mcnalty | $101,787 | $98 |
Jennifer Mcnamee | $116,293 | $98 |
Amy Mcphedran | $129,112 | $98 |
Shane Mead | $133,206 | $98 |
Janeen Meagher | $128,039 | $98 |
Lesley Melnyk | $133,011 | $98 |
Brenan Merrick | $133,065 | $98 |
Melody Mesesnel | $133,067 | $98 |
Jessica Meulensteen | $133,203 | $98 |
Leslie Mifsud | $132,908 | $98 |
Tracey Mikulik | $123,855 | $98 |
Mardell Miller | $133,006 | $98 |
Pamela Milne | $119,401 | $98 |
Stacey Minogue | $129,927 | $98 |
Meghan Mintz | $133,129 | $98 |
Melissa Mitchell | $112,731 | $89 |
Mia Moldenhauer | $138,344 | $98 |
Melissa Monaghan | $132,951 | $98 |
Megan Monsma | $128,360 | $98 |
Sara Montague | $128,522 | $98 |
Tracey Mooney | $120,064 | $98 |
Anthony Moore | $142,216 | $98 |
Valerie Moore | $133,006 | $98 |
Michael Morrison | $131,966 | $98 |
Richard Morrow | $132,967 | $98 |
Rebecca Mottin | $132,055 | $98 |
Andrea Moyer | $108,656 | $98 |
Melissa Moylan | $103,971 | $98 |
Ashley Mulhern | $132,873 | $98 |
Katie Muller | $127,155 | $98 |
Jaclyn Mullin | $119,405 | $98 |
Denise Mullins | $133,130 | $98 |
Katherine Mumford | $124,908 | $98 |
Claire Munro | $132,889 | $98 |
Chris Murray | $124,908 | $98 |
Kelly Murray | $133,126 | $98 |
Mary Muscat | $104,773 | $98 |
Alison Negrave | $133,113 | $98 |
Stacey Neil | $132,994 | $98 |
Juli Neilson | $125,112 | $98 |
Courtney Nelles | $113,123 | $98 |
Carrie Nelson | $132,998 | $98 |
Paul Nethery | $131,906 | $98 |
Alyssa Nevills | $105,847 | $98 |
Peggy Newman | $133,010 | $98 |
Jim Newton | $133,008 | $98 |
Jocelyne Nibaruta | $135,877 | $96 |
Sarah Nichol | $119,362 | $98 |
Tara Nicholson | $133,006 | $98 |
Melissa Niedzwiecki | $131,163 | $98 |
Marcy Nielsen | $124,433 | $98 |
Rebecca Nienhuis | $107,979 | $98 |
Tamara Nish | $100,059 | $91 |
Holly Nixon | $116,349 | $0 |
Aileen Noble | $131,833 | $98 |
Luanne Noble | $132,995 | $98 |
Marcie Nolan | $130,591 | $98 |
Tammy Nollert | $133,006 | $98 |
Elena Normore | $132,984 | $98 |
Mary North | $131,019 | $98 |
Angela Novikow | $133,006 | $98 |
Justin Novikow | $132,864 | $98 |
Lisa Nunn | $124,958 | $98 |
Jacqueline Nyman | $133,688 | $98 |
Faye O’connor | $131,014 | $98 |
Ryan O’gorman | $132,065 | $98 |
Faye Oakes Martin | $131,984 | $98 |
Melissa Obermeyer | $111,273 | $98 |
Christine Ohm | $133,038 | $98 |
Sarah-jane Olszewski | $133,115 | $98 |
Katie Osborne | $133,485 | $98 |
Jennifer Ososki | $132,955 | $98 |
Kelly Pagnan | $128,665 | $98 |
Wendy Painting | $130,597 | $98 |
James Palmer | $133,103 | $98 |
Demetrios Papavasiliou | $133,550 | $98 |
Jennifer Park | $133,040 | $98 |
Amanda Parker | $133,282 | $98 |
Chantal Parsons | $116,362 | $98 |
Aimee Partlow | $112,701 | $98 |
Michelle Pasmore | $120,542 | $98 |
Nishalini Patmanathan | $119,431 | $98 |
Cynthia Patrick | $133,004 | $98 |
Jessica Patrick | $119,679 | $98 |
Amanda Pauw-klapwyk | $132,661 | $98 |
Lynsie Peart | $132,864 | $98 |
Krista Pedersen | $148,814 | $98 |
Shawn Pellar | $115,154 | $98 |
David Penfold | $133,006 | $98 |
Susan Penfold | $134,181 | $98 |
Jessica Penney | $100,149 | $92 |
Amanda Pereira | $100,312 | $97 |
Amy Perkins-Ellery | $114,729 | $98 |
Ashleigh Perry | $133,006 | $98 |
Jason Perry | $133,006 | $98 |
Andrea Pesic | $131,550 | $98 |
Erin Peters | $107,871 | $74 |
Steacy Petersen | $132,971 | $98 |
Anne-mette Petersen-millar | $133,327 | $98 |
Emily Petrenko | $132,299 | $98 |
Lynn Picard | $132,884 | $98 |
Amanda Piercey | $133,455 | $98 |
Jennifer Pigott | $125,207 | $98 |
Rebecca Pike | $132,960 | $98 |
Leanne Pinkney | $115,446 | $98 |
Amanda Pinnigar | $119,774 | $98 |
Amy Piper | $132,286 | $98 |
Marcia Piquette | $128,726 | $98 |
Susan Pitman | $132,987 | $98 |
Caitlin Plunkett | $132,876 | $88 |
Karlie Pogson | $116,464 | $95 |
Jessica Popovic | $132,894 | $98 |
Jessica Potter | $101,421 | $98 |
Jennifer Pozniak | $133,074 | $98 |
Michelle Pratt | $124,918 | $98 |
Catherine Presant | $133,006 | $98 |
Karen Priestley | $124,476 | $98 |
Aaron Prieur | $122,236 | $98 |
Kathleen Primeau | $113,105 | $96 |
Jacklyn Quinn | $105,571 | $98 |
Julie Rabah | $124,933 | $98 |
Mikaela Rader | $123,585 | $98 |
Morgan Rafalowski | $130,795 | $98 |
Lara Rahim-lasko | $126,098 | $98 |
Lorena Ranalli | $108,331 | $98 |
Steve Rane | $132,984 | $98 |
Mary Rankin | $131,640 | $98 |
Alison Ray | $124,951 | $98 |
Amy Rayfield | $133,386 | $98 |
Brandon Rees | $133,034 | $98 |
Katherine Reid | $100,666 | $98 |
Glenda Reilly | $108,190 | $98 |
Cheryl Reimer | $125,008 | $98 |
Cynthia Renkema | $132,893 | $98 |
Lisa Reynolds | $133,095 | $98 |
Noella Reynolds | $131,761 | $98 |
Megan Rhazi | $124,079 | $98 |
Stefanie Richardson | $127,091 | $98 |
Julie Richer | $133,006 | $98 |
Rachel Ricker | $112,063 | $98 |
Kate Rimando | $134,440 | $98 |
Teszalyn Roantree | $126,886 | $98 |
Jill Robbers | $105,170 | $98 |
Shari Roberts | $133,077 | $98 |
Kelly Robertson | $133,246 | $98 |
Matthew Robertson | $124,908 | $98 |
Cathy Robinson | $133,116 | $98 |
David Robinson | $133,006 | $98 |
Ruth Robinson | $105,263 | $98 |
Amanda Robinson-sutter | $133,064 | $98 |
Mark Robnik | $117,715 | $98 |
Karen Robson | $131,730 | $98 |
Robert Robson | $132,801 | $98 |
Kelly Rockliffe | $133,167 | $98 |
Bryanne Root | $105,230 | $98 |
Cecilie Rosairus | $138,950 | $98 |
Sarah Rossier | $121,318 | $93 |
Leanne Ross-urwin | $132,593 | $98 |
Julie Roth | $136,102 | $98 |
Melissa Roth | $133,558 | $98 |
Heather Rourke | $133,026 | $98 |
Theo Routis | $102,664 | $98 |
Jane Roy | $133,021 | $98 |
Tressa Rozendal | $132,534 | $98 |
Glenna Ruffolo | $133,063 | $98 |
Jennifer Rupnow | $132,992 | $98 |
Mohamed Saleh | $135,453 | $97 |
Terri Sambol | $113,796 | $98 |
Lisa Sampaio | $111,034 | $98 |
Ashley Sanders | $133,002 | $98 |
Alexandra Savoie | $109,257 | $0 |
Katherine Savoie | $101,509 | $98 |
Gabriella Schaller | $133,006 | $98 |
Heidi Scheel | $133,006 | $98 |
Sylvia Scheerer | $106,978 | $98 |
Melissa Schefter | $109,363 | $98 |
Natalie Schlee | $124,590 | $98 |
Amanda Schnieders | $130,592 | $98 |
Todd Schooley | $132,905 | $98 |
Peter Schroeder | $116,125 | $0 |
Britni Scott | $120,437 | $98 |
Christopher Scott | $124,729 | $98 |
Katherine Scott | $130,261 | $98 |
Megan Scott | $133,753 | $98 |
Sheryl Scott | $102,669 | $98 |
Bonnie Sears | $133,054 | $98 |
Monique Seguin | $118,331 | $0 |
Peter Sehl | $132,281 | $98 |
Michael Selman | $133,006 | $98 |
Allison Semanyk | $124,134 | $98 |
Aaron Senitt | $133,023 | $98 |
Christopher Servos | $133,006 | $98 |
Rebecca Setterfield | $133,804 | $98 |
Kathleen Sharland | $104,030 | $98 |
Caroline Shrives | $132,874 | $98 |
Eugene Sidlar | $132,779 | $98 |
Gillian Siegwart | $141,700 | $98 |
Kathleen Simon | $133,060 | $98 |
Emily Sincennes | $120,899 | $98 |
Alexandra Sinclair | $105,653 | $98 |
Amanda Sinclair | $116,311 | $98 |
Elizabeth Singh | $133,009 | $98 |
James Skeoch | $133,007 | $98 |
Denise Skerritt | $134,678 | $98 |
Amy Skinner Waldeck | $135,827 | $98 |
Marjorie Small | $133,113 | $98 |
Tammy Smallacombe | $133,227 | $98 |
Jennifer Smart | $124,862 | $98 |
Brittany Smith | $123,903 | $98 |
Christine Smith | $133,268 | $98 |
Dale Smith | $133,223 | $98 |
Dawna Smith | $124,603 | $98 |
Gillian Smith | $131,705 | $98 |
Erika Smyth | $119,607 | $94 |
Leanne Snell | $132,864 | $98 |
Deborah Snow | $144,382 | $98 |
Kevin Snowball | $124,908 | $98 |
Gregory Sol | $134,437 | $98 |
Jessica Somerville | $115,918 | $98 |
Valerie Soper | $128,094 | $98 |
Laura Sowler-Price | $124,909 | $98 |
Andrew Speers | $124,985 | $98 |
Karen Spencer | $132,869 | $98 |
Nola Spicer Gore | $124,952 | $98 |
Ainsley Squirrell | $116,523 | $98 |
Alyson Stam | $131,245 | $98 |
Brooke Stanton | $100,594 | $98 |
Kimberley Stark | $115,845 | $96 |
Lori Stark | $113,520 | $98 |
Rebecca Ste-croix | $133,015 | $98 |
Michelle Steele | $133,067 | $98 |
Danielle Stevanov | $133,004 | $98 |
Melanie Stevens | $105,532 | $98 |
Kimberley Stevenson | $104,632 | $97 |
Kerry Stewart | $133,006 | $98 |
Mary-jane Stewart | $132,950 | $98 |
Sharon Stewart | $119,723 | $98 |
Brent Stiles | $123,466 | $97 |
Susan Stone | $131,283 | $98 |
Eva Stratton | $124,748 | $98 |
Paula Streeter | $128,418 | $98 |
Andrew Strimas | $134,352 | $98 |
Katie Strimas | $122,350 | $98 |
Marian Stroeder | $130,474 | $98 |
Kelly Stronach | $133,006 | $98 |
Tracy Suffern | $115,107 | $98 |
Shannon Sunega | $114,171 | $98 |
Michelle Swan | $133,006 | $98 |
Ashley Switzer | $132,502 | $98 |
Jayson Sy | $132,182 | $86 |
Jennifer Szabo | $116,334 | $98 |
Melissa Tangney | $133,332 | $98 |
Lisa Taylor | $127,850 | $98 |
Melissa Taylor | $131,326 | $98 |
Sharon Taylor | $132,720 | $98 |
Glenn Teasdale | $133,245 | $98 |
Rebecca Teo | $132,996 | $98 |
Brittany Tessel | $105,392 | $98 |
Naomi Theodor | $132,476 | $98 |
Laura Thistle | $132,970 | $98 |
Kathryn Thomas | $124,559 | $98 |
Ashley Thompson | $112,166 | $98 |
Georgiana Thompson | $132,351 | $98 |
Margaret Mary Thompson | $134,880 | $98 |
Sandie Thompson | $133,029 | $98 |
Benjamin Thomson | $121,382 | $98 |
Katherine Townsend | $131,962 | $98 |
Julia Tripp | $133,113 | $98 |
Natasha Trumble | $129,918 | $98 |
Benjamin Tucker | $114,905 | $98 |
Catherine Turner | $134,351 | $98 |
Daniel Turner | $132,810 | $98 |
Amanda Turvey | $123,505 | $98 |
Holly Tyszka | $133,006 | $98 |
Jessilyn Uhrig | $129,896 | $98 |
Rachael Umpleby | $131,904 | $98 |
Jessica Upper | $111,560 | $98 |
William Van Der Valk | $133,006 | $98 |
Alexander Van Der Wijst | $132,760 | $98 |
Heather Vandahl | $130,794 | $98 |
Andrew Vanderkolk | $128,694 | $98 |
Kate Vaughan | $133,006 | $98 |
Leesha Verbeek | $132,736 | $98 |
Claire Viggers | $122,473 | $98 |
Dara Beth Voigt | $124,778 | $98 |
Carolynne Waddell | $133,327 | $98 |
Sharon Wade | $133,006 | $98 |
Heather Waechter | $133,006 | $98 |
Sarah Wagner | $101,074 | $96 |
Adam Wain | $133,006 | $98 |
Heather Walker | $155,951 | $98 |
Kimberley Walker | $118,991 | $98 |
Sharon Walker | $135,357 | $98 |
Caryn Walkling | $132,944 | $98 |
William Walkling | $133,066 | $98 |
Erika Walls | $133,006 | $98 |
Scott Walls | $133,075 | $98 |
Jessica Walt | $117,009 | $91 |
Ashley Walter | $112,971 | $98 |
Aimee Ward | $124,118 | $98 |
Cindy Ware | $111,902 | $98 |
Kendall Warmington | $109,521 | $98 |
Carla Warner | $120,627 | $98 |
April Wasson | $133,006 | $98 |
Jason Waterman | $104,929 | $97 |
Tara Webb | $128,103 | $98 |
Amanda Wells | $133,313 | $98 |
Jacqueline Weresch | $144,918 | $98 |
Kelly Werth | $132,969 | $98 |
Jason Westlake | $115,083 | $98 |
Pamela Wheeler | $132,893 | $98 |
Gary White | $133,006 | $98 |
Krista White | $107,138 | $98 |
Laura White | $132,100 | $98 |
Lisa White | $124,908 | $98 |
Nancy White | $133,014 | $98 |
Sara White | $100,572 | $98 |
Tammy White | $133,497 | $98 |
Tanya White | $133,244 | $98 |
Aynsley Whitehouse | $132,297 | $98 |
Julie Whiteman | $132,976 | $98 |
Corey Whitten | $133,025 | $98 |
Beth Whysall | $126,906 | $98 |
Steven Wild | $113,655 | $98 |
Jennifer Wilks | $105,322 | $96 |
Erika Williamson | $133,571 | $98 |
Jennifer Wilson | $133,113 | $98 |
Megan Winch | $132,864 | $98 |
Ashton Winger | $131,832 | $98 |
Michaela Witzke | $132,577 | $98 |
Ian Wolfe | $105,671 | $98 |
Robert Woods | $124,893 | $98 |
Amy Wootton | $145,909 | $98 |
Lisa Yack | $115,350 | $98 |
Beatrice Yeung | $132,394 | $98 |
Jennifer Yo | $136,572 | $98 |
Amanda Young | $132,901 | $98 |
Michelle Youngblood | $141,428 | $98 |
Carrie Zamora | $133,115 | $98 |
Jessie Zandbergs | $133,014 | $98 |
Dana Zevenbergen | $132,515 | $98 |
Year | # of Employees | Average Salary Paid |
2024 | 871 | $126,041 |
2023 | 542 | $103,453 |
2022 | 465 | $103,396 |
2021 | 455 | $102,739 |
2020 | 31 | $105,394 |
2019 | 29 | $106,069 |
2018 | 18 | $109,262 |
2017 | 11 | $104,739 |
2016 | 12 | $104,247 |
2015 | 9 | $105,040 |
2014 | 10 | $102,668 |
2013 | 10 | $103,869 |
2012 | 9 | $102,354 |
2011 | 11 | $103,560 |