The names, positions, salaries and total taxable benefits of public sector employees paid $100,000 or more in a calendar year.
In this page
Average Salary in 2024
Median Salary in 2024
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53.51% Male |
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46.49% Female |
| ||||||||
Below is the quartile breakdown of the salary range. |
73 employees received a salary between $100,264 - $122,778 |
153 employees received a salary between $122,778 - $145,291 |
1 employees received a salary between $145,291 - $167,805 |
1 employees received a salary between $167,805 - $190,318 |
Majority of the employees were paid within the salary range encompassing the second quartile breakdown.
What were the average and median salaries for a Professor at St Clair College Of Applied Arts and Technology listed in the 2024 Sunshine List?
The 2024 Ontario Sunshine List shows that the average and median salaries for a Professor are $124,521.50and $126,782.26, respectively at St Clair College Of Applied Arts and Technology.
What is the highest salary for a Professor at St Clair College Of Applied Arts and Technology?
Kenneth Acton, who worked as a Professor at the St Clair College Of Applied Arts and Technology, earned the highest salary of $126,747.22, including taxable benefits, among all individuals in the organization holding the same position in 2024.
What is the representation of gender diversity for Professor at St Clair College Of Applied Arts and Technology?
The 2024 Ontario Sunshine List indicates that the representation of gender diversity in Professor at St Clair College Of Applied Arts and Technology is 53.51% male and 46.49% female, respectively.
St Clair College Of Applied Arts and Technology had 228 employees who held positions as Professor in the 2024 Sunshine List.
Full Name | Salary Paid | Taxable Benefit |
Kenneth Acton | $126,689 | $58 |
Deborah Agostini | $115,402 | $93 |
Barbara Alderman | $121,224 | $93 |
Cristina Angileri | $123,972 | $93 |
Steven Appleyard | $131,695 | $58 |
Arash Aryapour | $127,181 | $93 |
Stephen Atkinson | $122,704 | $93 |
Crystal Avolio | $130,708 | $93 |
Brady Baillargeon | $135,436 | $93 |
Anastasia Bake | $126,689 | $93 |
Gregory Bartlett | $115,108 | $93 |
Eva Beattie | $136,203 | $88 |
Richard Beauchamp | $103,627 | $58 |
Warren Beck | $136,726 | $82 |
Pamela Bedard | $126,983 | $93 |
Cathy Beecroft | $135,775 | $58 |
David Belanger | $128,242 | $93 |
Patricia Berthiaume | $126,689 | $58 |
Serge Bertucci | $126,689 | $93 |
Kimberly Bloxham | $129,835 | $58 |
Barry Boghean | $123,057 | $58 |
Tammy Bombardier | $120,180 | $93 |
Gina Bondy | $133,453 | $58 |
Gino Bordignon | $124,759 | $93 |
Randy Borean | $107,847 | $93 |
Christopher Bozzetto | $102,375 | $93 |
Judith Breshamer | $126,689 | $70 |
Scott Briscoe | $126,689 | $93 |
Roger Bryan | $124,253 | $58 |
Andrew Buckie | $105,245 | $93 |
Kevin Byrne | $124,198 | $93 |
Shaun Byrne | $101,736 | $93 |
Nicolo Cacciato | $126,795 | $93 |
Patricia Canil-durocher | $126,689 | $82 |
Ivan Canjar | $115,575 | $93 |
Michael Carter | $129,134 | $93 |
Mark Cassar | $117,866 | $88 |
Florence Chantler | $108,113 | $88 |
Elaine Chatwood | $126,722 | $93 |
Tammy Child | $126,820 | $93 |
Justina Ciarlariello | $125,447 | $93 |
Phil Cohen | $136,134 | $58 |
Mark Colangelo | $135,058 | $93 |
Connie Collins | $105,831 | $58 |
Jerome Collins Jr | $126,689 | $58 |
Kevin Corriveau | $149,869 | $93 |
Claudia Corro De Thomasis | $134,555 | $93 |
Edward Cott | $127,547 | $58 |
Shawn Davidson | $104,482 | $58 |
Nancy Davis | $128,443 | $93 |
Daniele Defranceschi | $128,359 | $93 |
Paul Del Rizzo | $116,637 | $93 |
Jody Delisle | $134,286 | $93 |
Heather Dewagner | $134,269 | $93 |
Kristina Di Paolo | $123,139 | $93 |
Andrea Dinardo | $126,689 | $58 |
Meghan Doster | $106,726 | $93 |
Alan Douglas | $136,579 | $58 |
Scott Dufour | $135,526 | $58 |
David Dunn | $120,353 | $58 |
Annamaria Easby | $129,347 | $58 |
Francis Elek | $101,453 | $58 |
Kitrina Ellwood | $107,219 | $58 |
Ali Elsharif | $119,519 | $58 |
Sheryl Epp | $135,034 | $93 |
Glenn Evans | $106,871 | $93 |
Deborah Ferrari | $133,523 | $93 |
Câi Filiault | $104,495 | $58 |
Brian Fitzgerald | $126,612 | $93 |
Anne Fitzpatrick | $126,689 | $93 |
Wendy Foote | $125,999 | $58 |
Thomas Forget | $111,758 | $93 |
John Freer | $119,318 | $93 |
David Garant | $115,390 | $58 |
Heather Garro | $127,865 | $93 |
Tammy Gehl | $126,689 | $58 |
Kari Girardin | $108,107 | $93 |
Annahid Glover | $125,606 | $93 |
Cindy Goens | $130,348 | $93 |
Peter Gooding | $124,568 | $58 |
Giuseppe Graziano | $126,689 | $93 |
Heather Greene | $107,846 | $93 |
Michelle Groundwater | $128,124 | $58 |
Simon Haffner | $120,002 | $93 |
Dale Haggith | $109,583 | $93 |
Ahmad Hamami | $122,671 | $58 |
Randy Hamelin | $113,395 | $93 |
Kathryn Hansen | $130,322 | $93 |
Kaitlyn Harnden | $107,821 | $93 |
David Harrison | $126,689 | $58 |
Bruce Hayward | $126,689 | $58 |
Sandra Helkie | $114,459 | $93 |
Kelly Henley | $128,480 | $58 |
Linda Hill | $126,689 | $93 |
Brenda Huff | $144,856 | $93 |
Syed Hussain Shaw | $122,104 | $58 |
Deborah Ivey | $134,269 | $93 |
Crystal Jacobs | $128,577 | $93 |
Paul Jacobs | $124,369 | $93 |
Derek Jane | $127,502 | $58 |
Michael Jimmerfield | $131,087 | $93 |
Jessica Johnston | $135,064 | $88 |
Corey Joinville | $100,171 | $93 |
Melissa Kakuk | $131,487 | $93 |
Sikder Kamruzzaman | $127,484 | $88 |
John Karr | $126,689 | $58 |
Lizette Keenan | $126,689 | $58 |
Paula Kellam | $126,689 | $93 |
Tazdia Kemeny | $116,669 | $93 |
Renata Kobe | $125,997 | $93 |
Robert Kobielski | $109,879 | $93 |
Danielle Koresky | $129,551 | $58 |
Alexandra Kovac | $104,456 | $58 |
Nicholas Kuipers | $126,689 | $93 |
Gerald Kwiatkowski | $130,230 | $58 |
Jessica Lacasse | $126,609 | $93 |
Russell Laird | $113,225 | $93 |
Mark Lambert | $136,983 | $88 |
James Lapeer | $128,711 | $93 |
Nicole Lapointe | $131,042 | $58 |
John Lassaline | $135,502 | $93 |
Christine Lauzon | $126,689 | $93 |
John Lein | $134,712 | $93 |
Michael Lepine | $109,406 | $93 |
Catherine Linner | $126,689 | $58 |
James Linton | $121,806 | $58 |
Michael Lovell | $134,269 | $93 |
Sandy Macdonald | $120,002 | $58 |
Linda Macdougall | $135,394 | $93 |
Kimberly Macphail | $104,543 | $93 |
Manjari Maheshwari | $123,117 | $58 |
Lawrence Mailloux | $142,474 | $93 |
Michael Malkoun | $126,689 | $93 |
Elaine Mamer | $134,269 | $62 |
Steven Manweiler | $117,879 | $58 |
Chang Mao | $134,561 | $93 |
Connie Marion | $137,303 | $93 |
Kathryn Markham-petro | $126,689 | $58 |
Edward Marocko | $122,105 | $58 |
Ruth Mazan | $107,654 | $93 |
Jason Mccoy | $122,059 | $93 |
Stephen Mceachern | $130,926 | $93 |
Jeffrey Mcguire | $130,762 | $58 |
Marcy Mcintosh | $137,401 | $58 |
Thomas Mcwhinnie | $128,212 | $109 |
Susan Melillo | $131,336 | $93 |
Jody Merritt | $131,012 | $120 |
Jason Milling | $111,554 | $93 |
Jason Morris | $139,461 | $93 |
Richard Moy | $128,485 | $93 |
Katherine Moyer | $111,472 | $109 |
Stephen Mullins | $125,714 | $58 |
Richard Nadalini | $126,689 | $70 |
Joelle Nagle | $108,763 | $93 |
Charlene Napolitano | $126,689 | $93 |
Patricia O’hara | $114,510 | $93 |
Jessica Oginski | $107,795 | $93 |
Janette Ohler | $107,821 | $93 |
Jeffrey Ouellette | $116,567 | $58 |
Cindy Pallister | $136,608 | $180 |
Michael Parr | $126,689 | $93 |
Melissa Pavlica | $104,652 | $93 |
Cameron Payne | $125,741 | $58 |
Andrea Pepper | $137,457 | $93 |
Ryan Pepper | $141,098 | $104 |
Joanna Pitcher | $126,689 | $58 |
Kevin Prendi | $105,226 | $58 |
Garfield Purdie | $126,689 | $93 |
Anita Purdy | $137,665 | $93 |
William Rawlings | $136,549 | $93 |
Rod Raymont | $128,035 | $93 |
Patrick Redko | $126,689 | $93 |
Selina Rehman | $127,120 | $93 |
Elizabeth Revenberg | $128,158 | $58 |
Danielle Rice | $105,388 | $93 |
Michele Rice | $130,102 | $93 |
Barry Rivard | $129,477 | $93 |
Jesse Robinet | $113,676 | $58 |
Enzo Rocca | $130,703 | $93 |
Carolyn Ross | $125,918 | $93 |
Domenico Rossi | $128,985 | $58 |
Nicole Rourke | $137,129 | $58 |
Bob Savic | $134,075 | $93 |
John Schlichther | $130,142 | $58 |
Kerstin Schneider | $126,689 | $93 |
Angelina Secen | $128,868 | $93 |
Manu Sehgal | $120,002 | $93 |
Vesna Serafimovski | $126,973 | $93 |
Gregory Sharpe | $126,689 | $93 |
Stephanie Shaw | $115,514 | $93 |
Krista Shepley | $112,086 | $93 |
Jennifer Shettell | $127,145 | $58 |
Igor Siljanoski | $123,915 | $58 |
Melissa Simas | $134,071 | $58 |
Hali Sitarz | $126,689 | $93 |
Michael Siwek | $138,223 | $93 |
Craig Skoyles | $126,689 | $93 |
Tarek Sleiman | $123,820 | $93 |
Kim Smallhorn | $103,788 | $39 |
Kimberly Smart | $127,025 | $70 |
Scott Smillie | $127,582 | $93 |
Walter Smith | $126,942 | $93 |
Esmeralda Sokoli | $104,444 | $93 |
Peter Soulliere | $100,893 | $93 |
Michael Spadotto | $108,774 | $93 |
John Spirou | $130,058 | $88 |
Dwayne St. John | $120,921 | $58 |
Andrew Steele | $143,694 | $93 |
Rachel Ann Stewart | $103,305 | $93 |
William Stollar | $120,412 | $93 |
Elizabeth Strutt-macleod | $144,385 | $58 |
Scott Suffield | $120,002 | $58 |
Kathie Tait-rayner | $137,104 | $58 |
Christopher Takaki | $110,017 | $58 |
William Tape | $126,257 | $93 |
Mulugeta Tedla | $127,261 | $93 |
Peter Tenzer | $128,463 | $58 |
Timothy Tiegs | $134,269 | $58 |
Rosemarie Turton | $134,269 | $82 |
John Ulakovich | $129,505 | $58 |
Harpreet Virk | $128,750 | $93 |
George Vrantsidis | $190,289 | $29 |
Anh Vu | $126,689 | $93 |
Rosemary Wagner | $119,929 | $58 |
Maryann Whited | $115,731 | $58 |
Rebecca Wright | $100,312 | $93 |
Zita Zinn-shamisa | $132,172 | $93 |
Mark Zokvic | $126,689 | $93 |
Year | # of Employees | Average Salary Paid |
2024 | 228 | $124,521 |
2023 | 227 | $123,576 |
2022 | 198 | $116,086 |
2021 | 195 | $114,468 |
2020 | 198 | $113,250 |
2019 | 194 | $111,959 |