The names, positions, salaries and total taxable benefits of public sector employees paid $100,000 or more in a calendar year.
In this page
Average Salary in 2002
Median Salary in 2002
![]() |
83.78% Male |
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16.22% Female |
| ||||||||
Below is the quartile breakdown of the salary range. |
91 employees received a salary between $101,575 - $121,294 |
228 employees received a salary between $121,294 - $141,013 |
53 employees received a salary between $141,013 - $160,731 |
4 employees received a salary between $160,731 - $180,450 |
Majority of the employees were paid within the salary range encompassing the second quartile breakdown.
What were the average and median salaries for a Operational Manager at Public Safety and Security listed in the 2002 Sunshine List?
The 2002 Ontario Sunshine List shows that the average and median salaries for a Operational Manager are $129,823.98and $129,882.35, respectively at Public Safety and Security.
What is the highest salary for a Operational Manager at Public Safety and Security?
James Allen, who worked as a Operational Manager at the Public Safety and Security, earned the highest salary of $132,865.80, including taxable benefits, among all individuals in the organization holding the same position in 2002.
What is the representation of gender diversity for Operational Manager at Public Safety and Security?
The 2002 Ontario Sunshine List indicates that the representation of gender diversity in Operational Manager at Public Safety and Security is 83.78% male and 16.22% female, respectively.
Public Safety and Security had 376 employees who held positions as Operational Manager in the 2002 Sunshine List.
Full Name | Salary Paid | Taxable Benefit |
James Allen | $132,745 | $121 |
Marilyn Amirault | $105,588 | $121 |
Patrick Ancio | $134,416 | $121 |
Tom Angelidis | $150,259 | $122 |
James Antle | $126,967 | $116 |
Jim Aspiotis | $129,439 | $119 |
Timothy Asselin | $127,634 | $121 |
Robert Wray Axworthy | $137,506 | $121 |
Douglas Baird | $124,375 | $121 |
Marianne Bamford | $119,500 | $119 |
Bryce Barber | $120,993 | $1,770 |
Debora Barber | $115,251 | $119 |
Ricky Barrick | $107,369 | $113 |
Michael Barton | $135,355 | $121 |
Gary Bauder | $127,973 | $121 |
Paul Beaton | $141,285 | $121 |
David Bell | $129,142 | $121 |
Murray Benoit | $137,894 | $121 |
Evelyn Berezowsky | $147,825 | $121 |
Ralph Berry | $107,642 | $11 |
John Bettencourt | $133,142 | $121 |
Thomas Bilodeau | $135,988 | $119 |
G Dean M Birch | $111,514 | $103 |
Michael Bishop | $140,131 | $121 |
David Bissell | $132,142 | $121 |
Brian Blackie | $113,788 | $111 |
Delbert Blakney | $135,958 | $121 |
Susan Boles | $134,615 | $121 |
James Bonfield | $121,315 | $107 |
Charles Boorsma | $116,923 | $120 |
Roderick Botham | $123,969 | $113 |
Guy Boucher | $111,970 | $103 |
Keith Boundy | $124,210 | $121 |
Macdonald Boyce | $137,361 | $119 |
Terry Bradley | $147,247 | $121 |
Thomas Bradley | $126,904 | $109 |
Warren Brander | $148,703 | $121 |
Douglas Brown | $135,645 | $106 |
David Bryans | $123,416 | $112 |
Fred Bryans | $137,038 | $109 |
Bob Bryson | $133,302 | $121 |
Donald Buffett | $124,001 | $107 |
Lois Burford | $118,537 | $1,515 |
Brad Burnett | $124,451 | $119 |
John Burritt | $113,832 | $1,297 |
Michael Byrne | $139,866 | $121 |
Andrea Calvin | $124,234 | $116 |
Robert Cameron | $128,019 | $121 |
Roy Cameron | $121,280 | $119 |
Nelson Cardoza | $163,798 | $121 |
Jeannette Carisse | $120,918 | $107 |
Kimberly Carr | $120,059 | $103 |
Donald Carter | $126,999 | $121 |
Perry Cervini | $138,058 | $121 |
Victor Chambers | $133,662 | $121 |
Donald Chapman | $116,215 | $106 |
Allen Charette | $129,000 | $1,894 |
Douglas Chilton | $131,286 | $121 |
Janice Clarke | $119,615 | $121 |
Elizabeth Coccia | $135,072 | $121 |
James Code | $127,761 | $121 |
Stephen Cornwall | $146,204 | $121 |
Rg Cote | $143,006 | $121 |
James Craig | $135,027 | $121 |
Greg Croft | $126,553 | $120 |
Karen Cumming | $108,526 | $118 |
Bill Cummings | $129,576 | $119 |
Mark Cyr | $121,570 | $107 |
Vincent Daley | $138,626 | $121 |
Kenneth Davies | $111,720 | $121 |
Donald Davis | $130,679 | $118 |
Michael Davis | $150,311 | $121 |
Christine Day | $135,527 | $119 |
Richard Dejonge | $150,043 | $121 |
Amanda Derks | $122,895 | $97 |
Henry Derouard | $135,736 | $121 |
Roch Deslauriers | $129,964 | $119 |
John Dobson | $146,654 | $113 |
Linda Doucet | $126,318 | $120 |
Daniel Doyle | $105,465 | $104 |
Edward Drabik | $107,211 | $121 |
Mark Drakos | $143,896 | $103 |
John Draves | $127,942 | $121 |
James Duncan | $141,705 | $121 |
Edward Dunne | $111,002 | $103 |
Richard Dupuis | $134,816 | $121 |
Dale Dutka | $126,058 | $121 |
Dennis Dutkus | $129,503 | $121 |
Tom Dykstra | $134,406 | $117 |
Mark Dyrland | $127,421 | $112 |
Gregory Dyson | $114,273 | $104 |
Greg Easto | $125,208 | $115 |
Edward Evans | $146,494 | $121 |
Lawrence Evans | $142,356 | $121 |
Mark Farnham | $131,464 | $113 |
Jane Farquharson | $134,369 | $121 |
Chris Field | $127,377 | $114 |
Janet Fisher | $131,053 | $121 |
James Flesch | $128,031 | $121 |
Robert Fletcher | $150,304 | $121 |
Ancil Forbes | $137,471 | $121 |
Roger Fouzie | $129,729 | $107 |
Carmen Fraser | $147,981 | $121 |
Stephen Frech | $139,092 | $121 |
Brenda Fry | $130,197 | $121 |
Louise Gadoury | $125,926 | $116 |
Marcel Gagne | $138,943 | $121 |
Joel Gardiner | $121,201 | $104 |
James Gauthier | $112,562 | $121 |
Frank Geswaldo | $176,438 | $119 |
Robert Giff | $112,689 | $103 |
Bruce Gilbert | $135,002 | $105 |
Darrell Gilbertson | $133,524 | $121 |
Michael Gimson | $131,636 | $116 |
Andre Girard | $128,318 | $99 |
Ben Gluchowski | $129,767 | $112 |
Merlyn Good | $134,147 | $121 |
Michael Goold | $135,609 | $121 |
William Gordon | $134,123 | $121 |
Keith Gosselin | $125,359 | $121 |
John Gould | $121,714 | $112 |
John Gowher | $102,966 | $0 |
George Graham | $126,193 | $121 |
Neill Graham | $142,706 | $121 |
Richard Graham | $110,326 | $1,511 |
Roger Graham | $122,697 | $106 |
Bill Grant | $118,963 | $105 |
Karen Green | $126,001 | $103 |
David Hanafin | $143,927 | $121 |
Carrie Harding | $129,000 | $109 |
Regan Harris | $115,109 | $1,453 |
Margaret Haskins | $131,262 | $121 |
John Hastings | $137,907 | $121 |
David Hay | $134,223 | $121 |
Michael Haydar | $180,329 | $121 |
Terry W Heavens | $101,575 | $0 |
Albert Henderson | $129,704 | $121 |
David Herbison | $141,058 | $121 |
Richard Higgins | $125,420 | $106 |
Grant Hilborn | $124,193 | $118 |
David Hill | $110,671 | $111 |
Craig Hillen | $122,436 | $109 |
Tony Hocking | $139,443 | $121 |
Joseph Hockridge | $117,271 | $110 |
James Hogan | $131,616 | $121 |
Rodney Holmstrom | $121,546 | $118 |
Nancy Holroyd | $136,669 | $121 |
John Hosegrove | $122,907 | $95 |
Robert Howes | $121,135 | $101 |
Dorothy Hughes | $115,021 | $113 |
James Hutchings | $140,430 | $121 |
John Inglis | $111,083 | $106 |
David Jackson | $119,970 | $109 |
Phillip James | $156,373 | $121 |
Joseph Janusz | $130,582 | $116 |
Carl Johnson | $128,256 | $121 |
David Johnson | $128,565 | $121 |
Phillip Johnston | $120,627 | $107 |
Kelly Jolicoeur | $132,187 | $119 |
J Joly | $131,145 | $121 |
Darren Jones | $117,516 | $103 |
Stephen Jurkus | $131,312 | $112 |
Lyndon Kaseram | $136,218 | $103 |
Mark Keating | $135,602 | $1,845 |
Pat Keenan | $127,850 | $101 |
Lois Kelly | $122,717 | $115 |
Raisuddin Khan | $138,842 | $121 |
Patrick Kinsella | $118,899 | $112 |
Gregory Kitzul | $137,501 | $121 |
Kimberly Knutsen | $117,309 | $106 |
Peter Kolmann | $128,715 | $103 |
Donald Komenda | $110,203 | $115 |
Bruce Kroeger | $143,906 | $121 |
Peter Kung | $170,430 | $117 |
Peter Kurlek | $134,147 | $121 |
Terry Kutchaw | $133,070 | $121 |
Wayne Lacharity | $130,929 | $121 |
Marc Lacoursiere | $130,299 | $121 |
Christopher Lacroix | $120,719 | $101 |
Mario Laforest | $134,862 | $106 |
David Lalonde | $149,570 | $121 |
Michael Lamble | $116,356 | $97 |
Shane Lamesse | $112,975 | $105 |
Blaine Lamothe | $123,571 | $96 |
Paul Larocque | $142,962 | $121 |
Giovanni Laurienzo | $106,119 | $114 |
Harold Lawrence | $155,843 | $121 |
John Lay | $131,469 | $121 |
Debbie Lea | $134,774 | $106 |
Michael Lee | $110,659 | $103 |
Daniel Lefebvre | $159,945 | $121 |
Timothy Lemon | $117,338 | $108 |
Philip Lessel | $146,346 | $121 |
Richard Lewis | $121,989 | $100 |
Paul Lipke | $118,194 | $101 |
Santo Lisi | $138,017 | $121 |
Kathy Lloyd | $120,356 | $116 |
Suellen Lobb | $113,435 | $108 |
Roger Long | $143,656 | $119 |
Gary Lowe | $135,473 | $121 |
Judith Luke | $126,572 | $118 |
David Mac Gregor | $127,051 | $104 |
Katherine Maccarone | $147,503 | $103 |
Ian Macdonald | $125,621 | $121 |
Jane Maceachern | $128,340 | $121 |
John Mackechnie | $134,509 | $121 |
Craig Mackenzie-haines | $130,397 | $107 |
David S Mackinnon | $140,714 | $122 |
Francis Mackinnon | $114,518 | $121 |
Margaret Macklin | $131,176 | $121 |
David Maclennan | $129,365 | $1,822 |
James Macpherson | $136,970 | $106 |
Christopher Malcomnson | $115,073 | $105 |
Douglas Malin | $128,575 | $121 |
Dean Malloy | $128,169 | $121 |
Malcolm Manford | $152,150 | $121 |
Lorne Mansley | $127,607 | $104 |
Annette Marchand-stayzer | $128,094 | $121 |
Richard Markell | $132,281 | $121 |
Andrew Markle | $127,592 | $121 |
Richard Marrison | $135,995 | $121 |
John Marshall | $114,245 | $104 |
Karla Marshall | $119,378 | $107 |
Morag Mathers | $129,037 | $115 |
E Mc Nall | $115,016 | $103 |
Roger Mcarthur | $126,012 | $110 |
Lori Mccabe | $136,382 | $121 |
Allen Mccarty | $123,395 | $109 |
John Mccoubrey | $133,439 | $121 |
John Mccusker | $126,992 | $119 |
Patrick Mcdermott | $120,649 | $121 |
Danny Mcdonald | $118,367 | $110 |
Michael Mcdonald | $134,869 | $121 |
Timothy Mcfadden | $118,173 | $40 |
Russell Mcgilvery | $118,461 | $106 |
Peter Mcgray | $116,840 | $107 |
David Mcinnis | $117,023 | $103 |
Marlene Mckee | $134,524 | $107 |
Doug Mctavish | $126,619 | $121 |
Mark Mei | $148,654 | $121 |
Bernard Mellon | $141,174 | $121 |
Brian Melville | $140,976 | $121 |
Kevin Messenger | $112,480 | $106 |
Janet Miller | $125,400 | $104 |
David Mitchell | $124,002 | $119 |
Thomas Montgomery | $139,773 | $121 |
Candace Mooney | $131,911 | $104 |
Gary Moore | $124,793 | $103 |
Richard Morey | $132,475 | $121 |
Richard Mothersole | $141,395 | $121 |
Dean Mougenot | $136,754 | $108 |
William Mowatt | $117,367 | $115 |
Kent Moxam | $135,900 | $121 |
Robert Moxam | $115,976 | $110 |
Richard Mroczynski | $128,753 | $120 |
Richard Mroz | $124,886 | $122 |
Cheryl Munroe-wick | $115,337 | $112 |
Taryl Muntz | $110,518 | $112 |
Kevin Murphy | $135,078 | $117 |
Edward Murray | $116,033 | $107 |
Kevin Nesbitt | $115,586 | $103 |
Edmond Newman | $136,198 | $121 |
Danuiel Nickel | $125,981 | $106 |
Robert Nixon | $148,915 | $121 |
Deborah O'donnell | $136,422 | $121 |
Michael O'donnell | $131,920 | $121 |
Jennifer O'grady | $134,404 | $115 |
Timothy O'keeffe | $134,798 | $121 |
Kurt Oldenburg | $123,874 | $121 |
Gordon Oosterhof | $132,074 | $121 |
Philipo Palumbo | $145,988 | $119 |
Johnson Parackel | $136,310 | $121 |
Wayne Parent | $137,949 | $1,265 |
Sandra Partridge | $130,113 | $101 |
Lynn Patrick | $134,485 | $121 |
Brian Patterson | $122,185 | $121 |
Paul Peacock | $114,855 | $121 |
Brian Perkins | $126,460 | $110 |
Norbertus Peters | $135,672 | $121 |
James Pettersen | $108,275 | $121 |
Janice Pickles | $119,328 | $112 |
Joe Piedl | $139,644 | $121 |
Richard Pierre | $116,018 | $109 |
Michel Plante | $116,912 | $106 |
William Polan | $124,929 | $117 |
Phillip Policelli | $157,788 | $121 |
Lori Potts | $114,398 | $84 |
Guy Prudhomme | $127,383 | $114 |
Steven Pryer | $132,583 | $110 |
Alan Quinn | $136,727 | $121 |
Luis Raposo | $116,820 | $104 |
Errol Reid | $129,802 | $121 |
Stephen Renzini | $140,964 | $121 |
Michael Richard | $158,960 | $121 |
Paul Ricker | $131,535 | $103 |
James Roberts | $121,798 | $121 |
Lloyd Robinson | $137,932 | $121 |
Mario Robitaille | $146,211 | $186 |
Debbie Russow | $120,457 | $116 |
Joseph Rutherford | $148,323 | $121 |
Mark Ryan | $130,597 | $121 |
Graham Sales | $139,089 | $121 |
Thomas Sawyer | $120,855 | $109 |
Karen Saylors | $105,341 | $121 |
Douglas Schultz | $102,403 | $107 |
Franz Schulz | $124,658 | $104 |
Christiaan Schuts | $130,611 | $1,757 |
Stephen Scowcroft | $134,170 | $121 |
William Sellick | $115,715 | $103 |
George Serpa | $140,874 | $121 |
Joseph Shaw | $120,669 | $98 |
David Shepherd | $129,462 | $116 |
Peter Sherfield | $129,529 | $121 |
Randy Simpson | $138,064 | $121 |
Joseph Sinacori | $132,451 | $121 |
Douglas Singer | $143,808 | $115 |
Rick Singh | $138,463 | $126 |
Donald Smith | $150,304 | $121 |
Ronald Smith | $129,093 | $121 |
Todd Smith | $129,761 | $121 |
Craig Sparks | $122,786 | $110 |
Frank Srokosz | $156,815 | $121 |
George St George | $136,987 | $121 |
Claude St Jean | $137,444 | $123 |
Lori St Pierre | $135,610 | $123 |
Scott Stewart | $142,050 | $121 |
Kenneth Storey | $150,200 | $1,894 |
Laurie Stroble | $115,630 | $115 |
John Sullivan | $138,780 | $121 |
James Swain | $122,941 | $105 |
Sam Swain | $133,434 | $121 |
Kenneth Taylor | $120,699 | $94 |
Ralph Taylor | $130,307 | $121 |
Paul Terbenche | $127,233 | $121 |
Steven Thomas | $125,099 | $121 |
Paul Thompson | $138,521 | $121 |
Edward Tighe | $134,350 | $1,807 |
Francis Tilling | $131,946 | $116 |
Gary Tone | $156,736 | $121 |
Danny Toombs | $134,810 | $121 |
David Torrance | $140,905 | $121 |
Reginald Trodd | $125,416 | $106 |
Brian Trudell | $141,179 | $123 |
Larry Tucker | $125,094 | $121 |
Robert Tuff | $129,836 | $121 |
Donald Turner | $131,657 | $121 |
Catherine Tyrrell | $142,046 | $121 |
James Vance | $143,139 | $121 |
Karl Van't Hullenaar | $120,652 | $105 |
Michael Verch | $105,585 | $103 |
James Verrinder | $124,132 | $106 |
Fred Vivian | $145,589 | $121 |
Paula Waddell | $111,331 | $116 |
Steven Walker | $119,831 | $1,457 |
Holly Wallace | $111,635 | $104 |
Jonathan Wallace | $116,061 | $103 |
Anthony Walmesley | $129,625 | $121 |
William Warren | $128,269 | $121 |
George Weekes | $132,596 | $111 |
Mark Weiss | $132,458 | $121 |
James Welch | $129,952 | $115 |
Michael Wells | $117,755 | $1,557 |
Robert Welsh | $129,968 | $121 |
Allan White | $134,118 | $1,871 |
Ann White | $143,712 | $119 |
Louise Williams | $114,315 | $98 |
Jack Williamson | $133,691 | $121 |
David Wilson | $122,614 | $102 |
Don Wilson | $122,317 | $119 |
Lesia Wolfe | $129,825 | $119 |
Edward Wood | $115,910 | $107 |
Gregory Woyce | $128,103 | $111 |
Keith Wright | $143,787 | $121 |
Sheldon Yeo | $117,185 | $107 |
Sheila Zub | $135,752 | $117 |
Glen Zwicker | $131,762 | $121 |
Year | # of Employees | Average Salary Paid |
2002 | 376 | $129,824 |