The Ontario Sunshine List - Public Sector Salary Disclosure

The names, positions, salaries and total taxable benefits of public sector employees paid $100,000 or more in a calendar year.

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Professor at Niagara College Canada

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Average Salary in 2018


Median Salary in 2018

174 employees (Professor)
1 174
Low: $100K Median: $111K High: $120K

Below is the quartile breakdown of the salary range.

32 employees received a salary between $100,075 - $105,036
23 employees received a salary between $105,036 - $109,997
83 employees received a salary between $109,997 - $114,957
36 employees received a salary between $114,957 - $119,918

Majority of the employees were paid within the salary range encompassing the third quartile breakdown.

What were the average and median salaries for a Professor at Niagara College Canada listed in the 2018 Sunshine List?

The 2018 Ontario Sunshine List shows that the average and median salaries for a Professor are $110,343.93and $110,565.02, respectively at Niagara College Canada.

What is the highest salary for a Professor at Niagara College Canada?

Roberto Acosta, who worked as a Professor at the Niagara College Canada, earned the highest salary of $114,578.93, including taxable benefits, among all individuals in the organization holding the same position in 2018.

What is the representation of gender diversity for Professor at Niagara College Canada?

The 2018 Ontario Sunshine List indicates that the representation of gender diversity in Professor at Niagara College Canada is 62.07% male and 37.93% female, respectively.

Niagara College Canada had 174 employees who held positions as Professor in the 2018 Sunshine List.

Full Name Salary Paid Taxable Benefit
Roberto Acosta $114,468 $111
Cinzia Agnoletto $110,454 $111
Katie Altoft $116,274 $68
Carolyn Ambrose-miller $110,454 $111
Claudio Angius $112,461 $111
Theresa Anzovino $100,492 $111
Marsha Baddeley $110,454 $111
Richard Baldin $118,143 $68
David Banninga $116,274 $68
Heather Barfoot $116,274 $111
Ahmad Bashir $110,454 $111
Michael Beattie $107,599 $111
Brian Beccario $106,632 $111
Nancy Bellantino $116,274 $111
Franco Bieri $116,525 $68
Laurie Blake $119,850 $68
Peter Blakeman $110,454 $111
Christine Blane $102,912 $111
Andrea Bodnar $103,958 $111
William Boehlen $110,454 $111
Michael Boldin $110,454 $111
Vincent Bourque $114,490 $111
David Bright $110,454 $111
Kelly Bronn $116,012 $111
Tim Bunz $102,934 $111
Rhonda Burns $116,274 $68
Kristen Buscaglia $106,323 $68
Judyth Calvin $102,024 $111
Jason Candy $116,274 $111
Holly Catalfamo $107,122 $111
Theresa Champion $117,460 $111
Kimberly Chapman $110,454 $111
Heather Clark $110,454 $68
Kristine Clark $110,594 $68
Dawn Clyens $118,344 $106
James Crowe $110,454 $68
Mark Csele $110,454 $111
Tracey Davey $102,887 $111
Paul Dayboll $111,975 $111
Antonio De Luca $101,779 $111
Robert Demers $107,951 $68
Martin Devitt $110,794 $68
Carmen Dima $110,454 $111
Gary Dolch $112,631 $111
Stephen Dominick $110,491 $111
Philip Durrant $118,541 $68
Keith Ellis $101,778 $68
John Finley $110,454 $111
Monique Finley $110,454 $111
Stephen Fox $113,363 $111
P. Ruth French Schultz $115,098 $68
Cynthia Gagne $102,923 $68
Donald Gemmell $116,274 $68
David Gibson $101,779 $97
James Gielfeldt $105,665 $111
Ronald Giesbrecht $110,454 $111
Rick Goertz $119,285 $68
James Gossifidou $110,454 $68
Donna Grant-iyibil $111,199 $111
Robert Greene $110,454 $111
Bruce Harper $110,454 $111
Angela Hayes $112,968 $68
Herbert Hill $110,454 $111
Phuong Hoang $110,454 $68
Michael Hoekstra $110,454 $111
Taras Holub $116,274 $111
Laura Hotham $101,918 $68
Wendy Hounsham $113,376 $68
Malcolm Howe $116,274 $111
Janet Jakobsen $116,274 $111
Christopher Jeanneret $104,671 $111
Xinxia Jiang $110,454 $111
Jean-paul Jiankos $110,454 $111
John Johnson $107,557 $111
Lois Johnson $116,274 $111
Thomas Keenan $110,454 $111
Paul Kendrick $104,671 $111
Lisa Kernaghan $110,454 $68
Alan Kerr $111,943 $111
Navjote Khara $108,552 $111
Cindy Ko $100,007 $68
Charles Kopun $117,458 $111
Brian Kormos $110,454 $111
Mary Ann Lesperance $107,944 $111
David Lukas $110,454 $111
Richmond Lutz $110,454 $68
William Macdonald $116,290 $68
Barbara Macdonald Buetter $110,454 $111
Alexander Macgregor $110,454 $111
Shannon Macrae $100,007 $111
Christopher Maddocks $105,845 $111
Robert Madronic $108,168 $111
Linda Maj $110,454 $68
Virginia Marr $101,779 $111
Lisa Maurice $114,805 $68
James Mcclean $101,779 $111
Debra Mcconnell $110,454 $68
Cindy Mcdonald $102,898 $111
Alexander Mcglashan $109,618 $111
Tim Mcleod $100,679 $111
John Mctavish $105,848 $68
Agostino Menna $117,386 $68
Shelley Merlo $110,454 $111
Olaf Mertens $112,088 $111
Lora Miani $110,454 $111
Dino Morabito $112,085 $111
Lori Moran $112,433 $111
Michael Nicholas $103,880 $111
David Niven $110,454 $111
James Norgate $107,599 $100
Holldrid Odreman $118,756 $68
Michael Olson $113,711 $111
Lynn Otto $110,871 $68
Wing Pak $108,568 $68
Susan Paone $102,898 $111
Mark Parker $110,454 $68
David Pastirik $116,609 $111
Clifford Patrick $110,454 $111
Jay Perry $110,454 $111
A. Scott Phillips $110,454 $68
Margaret Pickles $110,732 $111
Mark Picone $110,454 $68
Branne Plitnikas $110,454 $111
Terry Poirier $105,691 $819
Lisa Price $114,362 $111
Frank Roberts $107,702 $111
Colin Robinson $113,365 $111
Patrick J. Robson $117,207 $17
Peter Rod $103,869 $111
Andre Roy $116,266 $111
Michael Santoro $116,998 $68
Allison Sauve $116,274 $111
Anthony Savoia $104,671 $111
Thomas Schulz $110,454 $111
Derek Schulze $101,919 $68
Steven Scott $110,436 $111
J. Crispin Shaftoe $108,841 $111
Robert Shepherd $116,274 $111
Lewis Silvestri $110,454 $111
Mark Simchison $110,491 $111
Andrea Sinclair $115,800 $68
Barbara Smith $117,091 $111
Grace Smith $104,671 $111
Gregory Smith $110,454 $68
Ian Smith $113,141 $111
Martin Smith $116,274 $111
Arlene Sodaro $110,454 $68
Pasquale Spano $101,779 $68
Michele Stairs $105,790 $111
Peter Storm $105,826 $111
David Stovell $104,712 $111
Cheryl Taylor $100,804 $111
David Thomson $110,454 $111
Eva Tihanyi $110,454 $111
Barrie Tober $116,274 $111
Wayne Toth $107,599 $111
Alicia Tyson $110,454 $111
Michael Van Den Bogerd $111,587 $68
Denise Van Osch $103,423 $111
Susan Vandenboom $106,482 $368
Peter Vanscoy $104,671 $111
James Vida $110,454 $68
Shari Virtue $110,454 $111
Wayne Wakal $117,005 $111
Neil Walker $110,454 $111
Wendy Ward $110,454 $111
Donald Webb $104,671 $68
Philippus Wessels $110,454 $68
Greg Wheeler $104,671 $111
Christine Wilkinson $116,924 $111
Paul Willie $113,376 $111
Paul Wintemute $110,454 $111
Anne Wylie $110,454 $97
Jay Yatulis $107,525 $111

Yearly Total Paid

Yearly Position Holder Count

Year # of Employees Average Salary Paid
2018 174 $110,344
2017 36 $102,197
2016 161 $109,463