The Ontario Sunshine List - Public Sector Salary Disclosure

The names, positions, salaries and total taxable benefits of public sector employees paid $100,000 or more in a calendar year.

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Professor / Coordinator at George Brown College Of Applied Arts and Technology

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Average Salary in 2024


Median Salary in 2024

139 employees (Professor / Coordinator)
1 139
Low: $102K Median: $130K High: $141K

Below is the quartile breakdown of the salary range.

15 employees received a salary between $101,598 - $111,336
17 employees received a salary between $111,336 - $121,074
93 employees received a salary between $121,074 - $130,812
14 employees received a salary between $130,812 - $140,550

Majority of the employees were paid within the salary range encompassing the third quartile breakdown.

What were the average and median salaries for a Professor / Coordinator at George Brown College Of Applied Arts and Technology listed in the 2024 Sunshine List?

The 2024 Ontario Sunshine List shows that the average and median salaries for a Professor / Coordinator are $125,372.40and $129,532.60, respectively at George Brown College Of Applied Arts and Technology.

What is the highest salary for a Professor / Coordinator at George Brown College Of Applied Arts and Technology?

Farhia A Abdi, who worked as a Professor / Coordinator at the George Brown College Of Applied Arts and Technology, earned the highest salary of $129,567.64, including taxable benefits, among all individuals in the organization holding the same position in 2024.

What is the representation of gender diversity for Professor / Coordinator at George Brown College Of Applied Arts and Technology?

The 2024 Ontario Sunshine List indicates that the representation of gender diversity in Professor / Coordinator at George Brown College Of Applied Arts and Technology is 45.32% male and 54.68% female, respectively.

George Brown College Of Applied Arts and Technology had 139 employees who held positions as Professor / Coordinator in the 2024 Sunshine List.

Full Name Salary Paid Taxable Benefit
Farhia A Abdi $129,474 $93
Sharla Adams $127,716 $93
Milt Aimoniotis $136,318 $93
Emis Akbari $129,474 $93
Colleen Alleyne $129,474 $58
Richard Almonte $140,492 $58
Paul Araujo $129,474 $58
Thomas Arhontoudis $127,160 $58
Joanna Asadoorian $129,474 $58
Nakhshab Ashraf-poor $118,202 $58
Peter Au $129,474 $93
Monique Bacher $129,474 $58
Joanne Badida $139,802 $58
Wilfred M Barnett $101,978 $73
Stuart Betteridge $127,031 $93
Rainier Bratsch-blundel $119,487 $93
Tracey Britt $127,175 $93
Rachel Brophy $109,730 $93
Daniela Cahuas $129,474 $58
Christine D Chan $129,474 $93
Moira Cockburn $132,169 $93
Mary E Cole $104,773 $58
Khalid Danok $134,754 $58
Fatimah Datoo $111,543 $93
Maurizio Dodaro $129,474 $93
Jennifer Donnelly $129,474 $58
Charlene Dunstan $124,425 $93
Kimberly Durofil $130,853 $58
Philip L Eng $129,474 $58
Carolyn Fallis $129,474 $58
Pearl Fernandez $101,540 $93
Pietro Ferrari $129,474 $58
David Fleming $129,474 $58
Warren C Ford $129,474 $58
Loreto Forte $129,474 $58
Bruno M Fullone $129,474 $58
Lori Futterer $129,474 $58
John Gatsis $129,474 $58
Pamela R Gauci $125,122 $93
Cynthia Givens-sanford $129,474 $58
Jim Globocki $129,474 $93
Luciana Godoy $107,199 $58
Demetrios J Grivas $109,730 $93
Adeesha Hack $129,474 $58
Ali Haj-shafiei $129,474 $58
David Haman $103,862 $93
Karen Hamilton $129,474 $58
Shawnee Hardware $123,846 $93
Sharon Hauck $120,047 $58
Patty Hayes $129,474 $93
Bryan Heyl $137,687 $58
Michael Hlinka $129,474 $58
Tanya Holtzman $129,474 $58
Tasnim M Hossain $104,876 $58
Christine A Houston $129,474 $93
Tom D Hunt $123,327 $93
Anne R Iarocci $127,175 $93
Palmina Ioannone $129,474 $58
Mariana Ionescu $129,474 $82
Shailja Jain $105,136 $58
Sara Kani $101,540 $58
Constantine Karolidis $129,474 $93
Alma Kasneci $127,175 $93
Corene Kennedy $129,474 $58
Mohammad H Khan $140,366 $93
Chris Kim $104,876 $58
Tyler Krimmel $134,008 $58
Jennifer Lamarre $129,474 $93
Gina Lampracos-gionnas $129,474 $93
Sam M Lampropoulos $129,474 $93
Jessica Lederman $113,859 $70
Maria Conceicao Levine $130,403 $93
Jules Lewis $129,474 $93
Irina Lyubchenko $101,540 $58
Mark Magee $117,187 $93
Connor P Malloy $114,874 $58
Joyce Manu $129,537 $93
Alicia L Marshall $106,170 $58
Vince Masella $131,293 $58
Judy Masters $129,474 $93
C. Patricia Mazzotta $127,031 $58
Paul Mcclure $127,160 $93
Shelly Mehta $129,474 $93
Norine Meleca $129,474 $93
Doris Miculan-Bradley $129,474 $93
Carmela Miliucci $129,474 $82
Jacky Min $129,474 $58
Matthew Mokanski $129,474 $93
Jane Mosley $129,474 $93
Deepak G Naik $129,474 $93
Elmira Nezami Far $109,722 $93
Elroy W Officer $116,271 $93
Jorge L Olenewa $129,474 $58
Susan E Ord-Lawson $129,474 $87
Agnieszka (Agnes) Orzechowski $123,847 $93
Paul Petrie $129,474 $93
Md Saifur Rahman $113,910 $58
Cheryl Ramey $113,859 $58
Catherine Ranson $129,509 $93
Rhondda Reynolds $129,474 $58
Alexander Richard $123,846 $58
Ala Al Robiaee $129,474 $93
Patrick Rooney $119,489 $93
Gord Ruder $130,223 $93
Robert Ruggieri $129,474 $93
Parneet S. Saggu $123,846 $93
Leo L Salemi $122,818 $58
Viz Saraby $129,474 $93
Jacqueline Schmid $129,474 $58
Caitlin Scott $107,199 $93
Katye Seip $113,859 $93
Michael Shekter $129,474 $93
Alina Sholkov $129,474 $58
Niraj Sinha $129,474 $93
Subashini Sivaramalingam $129,474 $58
Blair Smith $123,846 $93
Anagaile Soriano $129,474 $93
Lori Stahlbrand $129,474 $58
Eliane Stockler Leite $114,745 $93
Beth M Stockton $130,303 $58
Lloyd Sudeyko $119,539 $93
Tom Supra $129,474 $93
Katherine Taylor $113,934 $93
Ballu S Thakur $130,092 $58
Don Greg Togade $117,906 $93
Tom Tomassi $129,474 $58
Leona Tranter $127,049 $58
Tammy Vaillancourt $131,789 $93
Sai Vemulakonda $129,474 $58
Christopher Vickers $136,318 $58
Peter Vree $136,823 $58
Ingrid Wagemans $129,474 $58
Stephanie Wallace $127,175 $93
Peter W Widdis $129,474 $58
Christopher Willis $133,479 $87
Lyndsay Wilson $113,859 $93
Robin Yap $129,474 $88
Jennifer Young $130,037 $58
Erica R Zammit $125,383 $58

Yearly Total Paid

Yearly Position Holder Count

Year # of Employees Average Salary Paid
2024 139 $125,372
2023 134 $125,542
2022 134 $117,207
2021 137 $115,802
2020 138 $114,336
2019 127 $112,192