The Ontario Sunshine List - Public Sector Salary Disclosure

The names, positions, salaries and total taxable benefits of public sector employees paid $100,000 or more in a calendar year.

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Elementary Special Education Teacher at Durham District School Board

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Average Salary in 2024


Median Salary in 2024

104 employees (Elementary Special Education Teacher)
1 104
Low: $101K Median: $132K High: $136K

Below is the quartile breakdown of the salary range.

12 employees received a salary between $101,239 - $110,000
12 employees received a salary between $110,000 - $118,761
12 employees received a salary between $118,761 - $127,521
68 employees received a salary between $127,521 - $136,282

Majority of the employees were paid within the salary range encompassing the fourth quartile breakdown.

What were the average and median salaries for a Elementary Special Education Teacher at Durham District School Board listed in the 2024 Sunshine List?

The 2024 Ontario Sunshine List shows that the average and median salaries for a Elementary Special Education Teacher are $126,498.24and $132,389.93, respectively at Durham District School Board.

What is the highest salary for a Elementary Special Education Teacher at Durham District School Board?

Christopher Andros, who worked as a Elementary Special Education Teacher at the Durham District School Board, earned the highest salary of $123,909.39, including taxable benefits, among all individuals in the organization holding the same position in 2024.

What is the representation of gender diversity for Elementary Special Education Teacher at Durham District School Board?

The 2024 Ontario Sunshine List indicates that the representation of gender diversity in Elementary Special Education Teacher at Durham District School Board is 23.53% male and 76.47% female, respectively.

Durham District School Board had 104 employees who held positions as Elementary Special Education Teacher in the 2024 Sunshine List.

Full Name Salary Paid Taxable Benefit
Christopher Andros $123,909 $0
Francesca Babcock $132,975 $0
Lindsay Balment $132,755 $0
Meaghan Barrett $118,450 $0
Tracy Barry $127,635 $0
Melissa Betts $126,293 $0
Laura Blake $132,052 $0
Rebecca Boyes $131,913 $0
Heather Bredin $133,782 $0
Katharine Calanchie $132,220 $0
Ellen Campbell $131,493 $0
Diana Carroll $132,975 $0
Tracy Cartwright $132,897 $0
Sarah Chiarot $118,602 $0
John Clark $132,887 $0
Neil Clarke $122,463 $0
Scott Clenchy $109,725 $0
Mystie-Lyn Cooke $111,879 $0
Emily Cosway $132,975 $0
Stephen Crowther $132,890 $0
Janine Cupelli $122,349 $0
Sunita Dadhwal $108,665 $0
Ivan Dalby $131,726 $0
Jody Dales $132,975 $0
Carole Dickson $132,773 $0
Michael Drew $133,051 $0
Krista Dwarka $132,333 $0
Megan Fallis $117,613 $0
Anisa Farnum $106,662 $0
Robin Fleming $132,938 $0
Leah Garey $126,940 $0
Angela Goodman $132,786 $0
Heather Grove $132,975 $0
Sean Hardie $132,975 $0
Michelle Hooper $129,744 $0
Laura Howe $132,789 $0
Robyn Hudson $132,975 $0
Laurie Hughes $130,368 $0
Julie James $132,430 $0
Irene Joseph $132,629 $0
Kathryn Knapp $117,550 $0
Michael Kondziolka $101,239 $0
Lisa-ann Langley $132,975 $0
Amy Larocque $129,939 $0
Shari Lee $132,983 $0
Amanda Long $136,283 $0
Donald Ludlow $116,142 $0
Brian Macina $132,921 $0
Marcia Mack $132,975 $0
Colleen Marquis $131,123 $0
David Marshall $125,101 $0
Melissa Masson $102,181 $0
Robin Mckay $132,975 $0
Erin Miller $131,773 $0
Heather Moolenschot $132,969 $0
Ioannis Mourgelas $126,158 $0
Alexandra Murray $110,424 $0
Margaret Myles $106,404 $0
Andrea Nieforth $132,975 $0
Jason Oliver $132,975 $0
Sherrilyn Palin-Mccready $118,708 $0
Laura Palmer $104,471 $0
Hilary Parker $132,635 $0
Julie Parkins $132,252 $0
Kathryn Pearson $132,970 $0
Jennifer Peart $132,975 $0
Barbara-anne Peddle $132,390 $0
Aaron Peterson $133,046 $0
Kelly Pierce $132,975 $0
Jaclyn Pinto $115,690 $0
Tara Poitras $129,709 $0
Jessica Ramsay $108,947 $0
Denise Ranger $118,297 $0
Adam Reynolds $132,912 $0
Val Ritchie $133,534 $0
Alison Robichaud-Alisauskas $132,869 $0
Jodi Rutherford $113,168 $0
Lisa Sainovski $123,776 $0
Ashmeet Saluja $104,215 $0
Joseph Schieman $132,975 $0
Nicholas Silverwood $129,406 $0
Heather Simpson $132,975 $0
Graham Slovick $132,615 $0
Jennifer Smith $132,529 $0
Leslie Smith $127,202 $0
Pamela Sommer $132,517 $0
Hannah Stanley $110,250 $0
Jeremy Stavropoulos $122,223 $0
Kathryn Stesco $132,960 $0
Sharon Stevenson $132,975 $0
Selina Stone $105,181 $0
Ainsley Switzer $130,394 $0
Leanne Thind $132,975 $0
Kimberly Torchia $126,398 $0
John Tsafatinos $103,013 $0
Lisa Tsumura $132,892 $0
Jennifer Walgate $104,632 $0
Karen Waltham $132,979 $0
Michael Weatherup $134,332 $0
Stacey Whiler $132,975 $0
Tracy Wood $132,505 $0
Michelle Worwood $132,955 $0
Erin Wright $121,148 $0
Irene Yorke $132,738 $0

Yearly Total Paid

Yearly Position Holder Count

Year # of Employees Average Salary Paid
2024 104 $126,498
2023 70 $103,104
2022 63 $102,830
2021 58 $101,797