The Ontario Sunshine List - Public Sector Salary Disclosure

The names, positions, salaries and total taxable benefits of public sector employees paid $100,000 or more in a calendar year.

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Elementary Principal at Durham District School Board

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Average Salary in 2024


Median Salary in 2024

117 employees (Elementary Principal)
1 117
Low: $102K Median: $159K High: $170K

Below is the quartile breakdown of the salary range.

4 employees received a salary between $101,588 - $118,769
0 employees received a salary between $118,769 - $135,951
43 employees received a salary between $135,951 - $153,132
70 employees received a salary between $153,132 - $170,313

Majority of the employees were paid within the salary range encompassing the fourth quartile breakdown.

What were the average and median salaries for a Elementary Principal at Durham District School Board listed in the 2024 Sunshine List?

The 2024 Ontario Sunshine List shows that the average and median salaries for a Elementary Principal are $155,151.03and $158,817.03, respectively at Durham District School Board.

What is the highest salary for a Elementary Principal at Durham District School Board?

Justin Abdelkerim, who worked as a Elementary Principal at the Durham District School Board, earned the highest salary of $162,082.29, including taxable benefits, among all individuals in the organization holding the same position in 2024.

What is the representation of gender diversity for Elementary Principal at Durham District School Board?

The 2024 Ontario Sunshine List indicates that the representation of gender diversity in Elementary Principal at Durham District School Board is 34.19% male and 65.81% female, respectively.

Durham District School Board had 117 employees who held positions as Elementary Principal in the 2024 Sunshine List.

Full Name Salary Paid Taxable Benefit
Justin Abdelkerim $162,082 $0
Tammy Abramczuk $152,209 $0
Courtney Adams $152,209 $0
Nancy Adams $162,149 $0
Hayley Aiken $161,703 $0
Haran Anandakrishnan $149,461 $0
Kelly Arbeau $152,918 $0
Kimberley Argier $151,435 $0
Matthew Armstrong $161,748 $0
Patrick Belmonte $117,510 $0
Craig Bonikowsky $149,144 $0
Kim Bourque $151,048 $0
Peter Bozanis $162,149 $0
Brian Bradley $162,149 $0
David Budd $153,192 $0
Michelle Carter $161,599 $0
Stacey Christopher $155,079 $0
Amanda Clay $149,129 $0
Stephanie Cleveland $153,200 $0
Joseph Cook $162,149 $0
Philippe Coutu $148,471 $0
Cristina Cox $162,023 $0
Geoffrey Decarlo $152,209 $0
Louise Dehaas $152,209 $0
Andrea Della Torre $162,149 $0
Danielle Denike $161,882 $0
Charmaine Fernandes $150,265 $0
Evelyn Ferris $161,949 $0
Kristin Ferron $162,149 $0
Jennifer Fisher $162,149 $0
Melanie Ford $149,129 $0
Rowan Fraser $149,091 $0
Tricia Frolic $168,549 $0
Kelly Funston $151,435 $0
Adrienne Goundry $166,988 $0
Sean Grace $155,125 $0
Tammy Hack $162,149 $0
Paul Haines $162,149 $0
Ryan Harney $148,781 $0
Jill Harvey $143,003 $0
Tanya Hawthorne $156,932 $0
Grayson Hefford $162,149 $0
Lisa Hill $162,129 $0
J. David Hogg $162,147 $0
David Hollingsworth $146,648 $0
Sabrina Hooper $162,149 $0
Patricia Johnson $146,941 $0
Sarah Johnson $161,148 $0
Mhairi Johnston $102,657 $0
Kimberly Joseph $162,082 $0
Kimberly Kay $161,453 $0
Rachel Kennedy $149,222 $0
Allison Kerr $149,809 $0
Vikas Paul Khajuria $149,129 $0
Clint Killeen $155,125 $0
Sharon Knights $161,748 $0
Marianne Kyriakopoulos $154,219 $0
Charmyn Lawton $161,668 $0
Margeaux Levy $149,374 $0
Gary Lew $105,101 $0
Trina Lewis $162,149 $0
Juana Lewis-Brown $154,022 $0
Patrick Li $167,616 $0
Michael Ling $151,347 $0
Riley Lord $162,149 $0
John Love $162,149 $0
Karen Lowhar $148,043 $0
Christine Mackey $154,983 $0
Amy Magee $151,435 $0
Sandra Makris $161,148 $0
Tina Mandal $152,209 $0
Gregory Marlow $162,149 $0
Chrystal Marolt $151,093 $0
Karen Mccready $162,149 $0
Kyla Mckee $169,290 $0
Nadine Mckoy $145,770 $0
John Mcleod $162,149 $0
Shauna Mcmurray $158,817 $0
Brandon Mcphail $161,148 $0
Melissa Mead $162,149 $0
Colin O’connor $149,206 $0
Sarah Parry $150,261 $0
Jaclyn Paterson $148,596 $0
Tara Paterson $162,066 $0
Andrea Peel $162,149 $0
Ryan Pittman $162,082 $0
Wendy Pokupec $152,141 $0
David Pomerleau $161,148 $0
Sean Powers $162,149 $0
Stephanie Price $152,207 $0
Tami Rayner $162,149 $0
Paul Reed $159,631 $0
Shannon Robertson $162,149 $0
Stephen Robertson $162,149 $0
Denise Robinson $161,148 $0
Jason Rodman $162,149 $0
Jonathan Ross $161,518 $0
James Rowed $162,129 $0
Rema Saati $145,929 $0
Frank Samuels $161,519 $0
Melissa Shields $170,313 $0
Michelle Sigmann $151,239 $0
Kathleen Skelly $147,279 $0
Melissa Sparkman $162,149 $0
Stephanie Spencer $162,149 $0
Imran Syed $162,149 $0
Susan Tanner-whibbs $155,125 $0
Naima Thomas $149,146 $0
Tina Thomas $150,266 $0
Dawn Toshack $152,914 $0
Heather Tustin $145,491 $0
Andrea Walters $162,033 $0
Elaine Warburton $152,935 $0
Dawna Wastesicoot $162,149 $0
Natalie Wood $150,230 $0
Brent Wragg $155,125 $0
Joseph Wrigley $101,588 $0

Yearly Total Paid

Yearly Position Holder Count

Year # of Employees Average Salary Paid
2024 117 $155,151
2023 123 $139,974
2022 119 $127,804
2021 122 $120,227
2020 110 $130,887
2019 111 $121,349
2018 109 $119,302
2017 105 $116,468
2016 80 $122,393
2015 95 $117,297
2014 106 $115,050
2013 105 $115,628
2012 101 $115,829
2011 106 $113,979
2010 104 $111,487
2009 85 $111,317
2008 77 $107,039
2007 61 $105,042
2006 57 $102,379
2004 1 $101,443