The Ontario Sunshine List - Public Sector Salary Disclosure

The names, positions, salaries and total taxable benefits of public sector employees paid $100,000 or more in a calendar year.

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Team Leader at Comm. Safety and Corr. Services

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Average Salary in 2014


Median Salary in 2014

419 employees (Team Leader)
1 419
Low: $100K Median: $122K High: $165K

Below is the quartile breakdown of the salary range.

107 employees received a salary between $100,432 - $116,501
241 employees received a salary between $116,501 - $132,571
63 employees received a salary between $132,571 - $148,640
8 employees received a salary between $148,640 - $164,709

Majority of the employees were paid within the salary range encompassing the second quartile breakdown.

What were the average and median salaries for a Team Leader at Comm. Safety and Corr. Services listed in the 2014 Sunshine List?

The 2014 Ontario Sunshine List shows that the average and median salaries for a Team Leader are $123,043.18and $121,978.00, respectively at Comm. Safety and Corr. Services.

What is the highest salary for a Team Leader at Comm. Safety and Corr. Services?

Reema Abdo, who worked as a Team Leader at the Comm. Safety and Corr. Services, earned the highest salary of $116,894.28, including taxable benefits, among all individuals in the organization holding the same position in 2014.

What is the representation of gender diversity for Team Leader at Comm. Safety and Corr. Services?

The 2014 Ontario Sunshine List indicates that the representation of gender diversity in Team Leader at Comm. Safety and Corr. Services is 87.11% male and 12.89% female, respectively.

Comm. Safety and Corr. Services had 419 employees who held positions as Team Leader in the 2014 Sunshine List.

Full Name Salary Paid Taxable Benefit
Reema Abdo $116,746 $148
Kevin Adam $124,620 $1,490
Sandra Adams $119,555 $147
Gregory Allison $140,484 $152
Terrence Allore $132,309 $152
Christopher Amell $163,376 $148
Debra Anderson $111,229 $148
Kelly Anderson $139,328 $157
Bruce Angel $128,476 $149
Donald Anthony $127,389 $152
Michael Ashley $164,534 $176
David Auger $121,809 $152
Jamie Ball $155,404 $598
Trevor Banbury $120,308 $148
Shaun Barber $133,100 $152
Andrew Barclay $113,849 $152
Dean Barclay $118,182 $148
Jeffrey Barkley $119,709 $152
Andre Barrette $110,843 $131
John Barron $120,062 $152
Robert Baskey $114,666 $152
Walter Baumann $135,426 $152
Hubert Beauclair $131,770 $152
Brenda Beaven $115,555 $734
Greg Beazley $139,693 $140
Theodore Becker $117,549 $152
Kerry Bedard $121,548 $152
Nicole Belair $112,807 $275
Kevin Benn $125,783 $153
Lynn Bennett $104,869 $134
Ronald Benoit $139,744 $152
Raymond Bentley $115,925 $152
Martin Beveridge $123,595 $152
Rafiq Bhabha $152,168 $152
John Birmingham $113,614 $144
Brian Blimkie $126,108 $152
Michael Boivin $140,708 $151
David Boon $125,496 $152
Linda Bootsma $123,435 $152
Steven Bosa $114,240 $135
Steven Boucher $119,297 $152
Michel Boulay $124,672 $158
Joseph Bourdon $122,550 $152
David Boyd $120,184 $129
Brian Brattengeier $140,973 $152
Scott Braun $105,109 $127
Doug Brittan $115,914 $141
Darren Britton $118,053 $152
Gregory Brodhagen $124,581 $152
Jeffrey Brooks $131,988 $152
David Brown $115,077 $128
Brenda Brownlee $107,438 $134
Wayne Brunke $114,571 $131
Kevin Bucknor $143,050 $144
David Budzinski $115,574 $141
John Buligan $123,909 $405
Timothy Burgess $120,385 $152
Bradley Burton $126,845 $150
Michael Burton $126,032 $152
Jason Butcher $140,691 $148
Peter Butorac $113,743 $152
John Byrne $123,337 $145
Manuela Byrnes $119,956 $148
Rene Cadieux $123,589 $139
Richard Cadilha $117,386 $136
Craig Callister $122,004 $140
Shaun Cameron $111,610 $134
Stephen Cartwright $134,279 $152
Paul Chafe $130,184 $2,268
Mark Chalk $132,795 $144
Andre Chenier $133,251 $144
Edward Chwastyk $122,688 $148
Don Clark $122,866 $152
Gregory Clark $117,342 $132
Andre Clelland $131,746 $2,293
Patrice Cloutier $112,342 $186
Emanuel Coelho $127,621 $152
Tracey Coghlin $112,682 $147
Jeffery Coleman $122,178 $152
Allan Collins $126,199 $152
Dawn Connor $116,491 $161
Kevin Convey $117,083 $148
Stephen Cooper $112,751 $132
Michael Corrigan $128,512 $484
Randy Cota $122,042 $151
Gregory Coulter $106,539 $153
Jeff Coulter $115,885 $152
Andrew Creaser $117,835 $152
David Crilly $113,499 $149
Brian Crisp $131,476 $152
Robert Croth $114,895 $149
Richard Crowe $115,692 $147
Donald Cunningham $120,824 $152
Charles Currie $123,647 $144
Peter Currie $122,654 $390
David Davidson $121,212 $152
Paul Davis $129,764 $152
Ingrid De Jongh-macdonald $113,849 $152
Gregory Delguidice $131,428 $141
Sylvie Demers $115,066 $148
Dennis Desjardins $127,520 $1,328
Peter Desjardins $128,231 $660
Leonard Devine $121,669 $154
Michael Deyell $149,491 $407
Shawn Diewold $146,468 $152
David Dobson $120,224 $152
Mike Dolderman $118,553 $154
Peter Donahoe $122,157 $152
Theodore Dongelmans $106,426 $129
Kenneth Dougan $123,649 $144
Michael Dougan $120,475 $152
Andrew Doughty $114,544 $152
Robert Douglas $109,277 $125
Robert Downie $115,961 $152
Dean Duchrow $117,542 $152
Jeffrey Dudzinski $100,999 $133
Karl Duewel $136,282 $359
Jason Dunn $124,209 $148
Karen Dunn $120,533 $148
Joshua Dupuis $108,086 $222
Marc Duval $143,296 $1,749
Michael Ellul $161,214 $127
Joseph Evans $107,335 $134
Marie Rachel Evans $102,871 $134
Shawn Evans $118,067 $3,225
Donald Everts $116,500 $148
Gordon Ewald $135,252 $148
James Falconer $136,600 $157
Jeffrey Farrow $116,730 $132
John Fashing $117,221 $152
Brian Fay $122,913 $152
Angela Ferguson $116,723 $142
Kenneth Ferguson $114,053 $191
Gerald Filipov $139,949 $2,276
Donald Fitzgerald $123,128 $152
Kevin Fitzgerald $112,775 $148
Kelly Fitzsimmons $123,450 $152
John Flesher $130,003 $187
Robert Flindall $113,858 $146
Rick Foley $118,394 $360
Terry Foreshew $129,188 $151
Andrew Fox $112,900 $130
Donald Francis $125,772 $152
Craig Frasier $108,721 $130
Straun Frederiksen $128,741 $148
Robert Furchner $134,673 $152
Andrew Gagne $126,876 $152
Robert Gardner $108,498 $127
Bryan Gast $130,194 $1,307
Joseph Gauthier $123,774 $152
Dale Gear $117,447 $152
Christopher Gheysen $120,365 $152
Shawn Gibbons $125,433 $137
David Gillan $121,955 $144
Howard Gillard $131,224 $148
Richard Gorchinsky $119,167 $152
Allan Gordon $122,385 $152
Suzanne Gordon $124,770 $148
Jed Graham $137,047 $152
John Graham $116,484 $152
John-paul Graham $133,035 $150
Scott Grassie $116,198 $152
Gordon Gregus $122,465 $1,622
Michael Groeneveld $137,029 $152
Craig Groux $117,093 $144
Michael Gruszka $135,348 $152
Henri Guillemette $100,270 $172
Bennett Gutenberg $122,621 $148
Robert Guty $123,321 $152
Taylore Hald $115,268 $271
David A. Hall $122,127 $152
Kelly Hall-baranesky $131,925 $160
Taylor Hamilton $119,968 $146
Andrew Hampson $109,654 $144
Matthias Hanes $122,782 $152
Allan Hardy $129,749 $152
David Harker $124,197 $152
John Hatch $116,634 $3,991
Randall Hayes $142,886 $659
Nigel Heels $107,452 $125
Kate Heffernan $121,549 $518
Christopher Henshall $104,553 $133
Brian Higgins $135,011 $152
Guy Higgott $117,680 $148
Dwain Hill $140,047 $513
Daril Holmes $123,209 $148
Samuel Horton $122,573 $152
Cameron Howard $111,827 $148
Thomas Hunt $129,870 $152
Scott Hyde $134,245 $143
Adam Illman $141,118 $147
Stephen Ingham $129,378 $155
Timothy Ives $122,939 $148
Christopher Jackson $113,830 $149
Renita Jackson $116,092 $152
Jean James $122,910 $152
Martin James $121,473 $147
Kathleen Johns $102,469 $133
Brian L. Johnson $114,442 $150
Michael Johnston $124,970 $152
Samuel Jones $116,879 $148
Shawn Jones $122,145 $152
Laura Karsseboom $102,271 $150
Kenneth Kaufman $126,343 $152
Mark Kent $111,921 $146
Scott Kerr $103,610 $101
Andrew Kinapen $109,168 $144
Joshua Kingsley $118,831 $130
Kristina Klingbeil $113,580 $131
Jeffery Knights $118,637 $138
Brian Knowler $126,240 $3,876
Thomas Kovacs $125,222 $152
John Krug $142,192 $152
Robert Krzyzaniak $136,069 $435
John Kummer $122,416 $152
Mark Kuntz $114,326 $152
Leslie Lagace $117,598 $137
Daniel Lalonde $123,273 $152
Lisa Lambert $104,385 $134
D'arcy Larouche $118,632 $152
Joel Lavoie $126,936 $118
Grant Lawrence $135,880 $152
Donald Lawson $122,915 $152
John Leblanc $111,343 $148
Matthew Leblanc $117,513 $3,529
Lisa Liegler $111,442 $141
Steven Linton $155,173 $157
Robert Littlejohn $126,091 $152
James Locke $119,324 $148
Darren Luckasavitch $142,971 $152
Allen Luyt $117,624 $136
Jo-anne Macdonald $124,259 $152
Nicholas Macdonell $125,791 $465
John Macewen $121,112 $148
Wayne Macintyre $123,101 $773
Richard Mackay $114,142 $152
Douglas Mackenzie $116,170 $152
Jeff Mackinnon $118,852 $148
Mark Mackisoc $123,880 $148
Stephen Macnally $127,107 $146
Christopher Maecker $121,953 $155
Scott Mahoney $135,625 $556
Todd Mahoney $118,902 $152
Gerald Malette $134,743 $157
Rick Maling $120,897 $152
Karen Marquis $120,093 $148
Brian Mason $123,187 $157
Marc Massie $118,921 $152
Aaron Mcclure $131,723 $148
Janet Mcconnell $100,261 $172
Timothy Mccoy $117,698 $152
John Mcdonald $123,335 $148
Lorine Mcfadden $121,564 $146
Mary-ann Mcinerney $112,514 $1,619
Ray Mcinnis $122,881 $152
Steven Mckenzie $116,088 $152
Duane Mcknight $116,169 $137
Kenneth Mclaughlin $143,498 $152
Dereck Mclean $127,235 $148
William Mcmullen $116,124 $145
Patricia Mcphail $121,413 $148
Stephen Meunier $112,370 $146
Robert Michaud $114,278 $152
Paul Michtics $136,734 $152
James Millson $137,878 $152
Jason Milne $110,702 $132
Wayne Minnear $128,469 $152
Michael Mobbs $118,536 $149
Scott Moir $115,507 $130
Jeffery Moline $129,903 $152
Jose Moniz $129,346 $152
Robert Monk $122,763 $152
Mark Monker $114,484 $128
David Moore $107,427 $135
Robin Moore $142,652 $152
Brian Morris $131,111 $152
David Moscall $117,211 $148
Terrence Mroz $121,997 $152
William Mulvagh $123,242 $152
Kevin Murphy $137,797 $152
Kimberley Murphy $117,959 $152
Paul Murray $116,333 $152
George Musikov $120,403 $152
James Neild $115,965 $151
Trevor Nicholas $109,803 $134
Paul Nixon $129,812 $152
Robert Nixon $121,861 $148
Matthew Noble $111,911 $141
Guy Noel $113,849 $152
Stephane Noel $105,572 $137
Mathew Norlock $115,515 $142
Michael Nunn $109,133 $136
Jeffrey Oakley $121,904 $152
Catherine Oconnor $121,995 $157
Henry Olivieri $140,078 $159
Michael Oram $100,292 $229
Kevin Orchard $124,286 $129
Jennifer Ormsby $112,222 $142
Philip Ouellette $139,291 $152
Rui Pacheco $117,535 $152
Daniel Palmer $124,545 $608
Clement Paradis $117,826 $152
Meshach Parsons $124,166 $157
Michael Patterson $137,608 $148
Todd Pelletier $118,627 $152
Yvan Pelletier $120,073 $148
Brent Pellow $121,054 $132
Peter Penman $123,320 $152
Ryan Penner $123,509 $133
John Peppler $116,537 $129
Giuseppe Pileggi $139,384 $144
David Pinchin $121,570 $144
Christopher Pinkerton $108,649 $134
Michael Pollock $120,773 $152
Sheldon Poole $127,306 $152
Jason Postma $125,413 $152
John Potts $122,426 $152
Edward Powell $116,856 $152
John Power $117,634 $144
Kevin Prentiss $119,281 $152
Jennifer Quigley $106,017 $133
Pierre Rancourt $134,346 $152
Calum Rankin $121,445 $144
Bradley Rathbun $133,505 $152
Arthur Renn $119,833 $148
John Reppard $113,120 $148
Gerald Ribble $117,029 $150
Paul Richardson $115,098 $144
Darin Rickeard $133,911 $152
Roger Rondeau $130,160 $152
Belinda Rose $140,292 $148
Robert Ross $115,803 $152
Stephane Roy $120,451 $153
Wade Roy $121,124 $152
Sylvain Sabourin $124,622 $146
Spencer Salters $127,032 $1,626
Marcus Sanderson $116,722 $144
David Saunders $128,423 $152
Bruce Sawbridge $120,516 $152
David Scott $137,489 $138
John Scott $141,684 $149
Michael Scott $117,514 $152
Dwayne Sears $124,439 $152
Todd Selvage $121,561 $153
Chhieu Seng $111,712 $128
Clare Shantz $115,252 $152
Thomas Shantz $119,865 $140
Timothy Sheppard $122,092 $152
Derek Shoppoff $127,126 $144
Andrew T. Simpson $128,815 $144
David Sinko $113,798 $147
Dean Skelding $127,473 $152
John Slater $124,412 $150
Gerald Smith $120,384 $152
Jamie Smith $108,026 $131
Patrick Smith $118,701 $137
Ronald Smith $129,718 $144
Howard Smits $127,217 $152
Ken Spahr $119,553 $148
John Spence $134,485 $152
Scott Spires $127,251 $152
Jason Spooner $127,979 $144
Jean-marc St. Jacques $118,282 $152
Eric Steele $114,791 $148
Paul Stephenson $112,426 $148
Eric Stewart $126,174 $144
Marilyn Stewart $115,540 $153
Matthew Stoner $117,592 $144
Ross Stuart $130,136 $144
Tyler Sturgeon $110,410 $138
William Sword $128,340 $157
Michael Symons $116,588 $152
Paul Tackey $126,921 $152
Andrew Tait $112,758 $147
Michelle Teeple $114,966 $148
Michel Tessier $122,237 $152
David Tewkesbury $124,657 $152
Yvan Therrien $133,066 $152
Amy Thompson $113,361 $148
Lorne Thompson $121,603 $535
Terry Trask $113,030 $128
Robert Turnbull $115,781 $126
Brent Turner $134,597 $144
Bob Uridil $122,925 $152
Shelley Van Erp $120,058 $148
Walter Van Essen $134,266 $3,794
Carrie Vanbeek $121,118 $144
John Vanden Heuvel $118,067 $178
Marty Vankessel $122,056 $152
Joseph Varga $134,211 $148
Corey Villeneuve $122,315 $148
Kenneth Vinet $115,183 $152
Randy Viragh $148,279 $3,583
Axel Visconti $114,286 $152
John Wagner $118,584 $152
Lawrence Walsh $120,302 $152
Dean Ward $133,144 $152
Kendall Ward $123,600 $151
Terence Ward $117,867 $148
Kelly Warren $130,106 $148
Michelle Warth $117,413 $148
Thomas Watt $124,794 $152
Charles Watts $118,080 $152
Robert R. White $139,917 $157
John Whitney $135,567 $152
Keegan Wilcox $107,411 $127
David Wilkins $116,693 $140
Gregory Wilson $127,852 $152
Steven Wolf $121,489 $489
Mark Wollocombe $125,765 $348
Timothy Woodland $119,724 $152
Roger Woods $119,298 $152
Marion Yoisten $132,645 $152
Connie Young $119,227 $152
Kevin Young $128,956 $144
Mark Zacher $148,015 $152
Derek Zayachkowski $136,772 $152
Paul Zeggil $104,042 $89
Joseph Zwambag $142,993 $971

Yearly Total Paid

Yearly Position Holder Count

Year # of Employees Average Salary Paid
2014 419 $123,043
2013 384 $112,384
2012 399 $113,155
2011 411 $113,824
2004 1 $101,410