The Ontario Sunshine List - Public Sector Salary Disclosure

The names, positions, salaries and total taxable benefits of public sector employees paid $100,000 or more in a calendar year.

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Supervisor at Children’s Aid Society of Toronto

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Average Salary in 2024


Median Salary in 2024

63 employees (Supervisor)
1 63
Low: $101K Median: $131K High: $141K

Below is the quartile breakdown of the salary range.

4 employees received a salary between $101,419 - $111,273
11 employees received a salary between $111,273 - $121,127
25 employees received a salary between $121,127 - $130,981
23 employees received a salary between $130,981 - $140,835

Majority of the employees were paid within the salary range encompassing the third quartile breakdown.

What were the average and median salaries for a Supervisor at Children’s Aid Society of Toronto listed in the 2024 Sunshine List?

The 2024 Ontario Sunshine List shows that the average and median salaries for a Supervisor are $126,958.35and $130,567.36, respectively at Children’s Aid Society of Toronto.

What is the highest salary for a Supervisor at Children’s Aid Society of Toronto?

Sherrie-ann Alexander, who worked as a Supervisor at the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto, earned the highest salary of $130,567.32, including taxable benefits, among all individuals in the organization holding the same position in 2024.

What is the representation of gender diversity for Supervisor at Children’s Aid Society of Toronto?

The 2024 Ontario Sunshine List indicates that the representation of gender diversity in Supervisor at Children’s Aid Society of Toronto is 23.81% male and 76.19% female, respectively.

Children’s Aid Society of Toronto had 63 employees who held positions as Supervisor in the 2024 Sunshine List.

Full Name Salary Paid Taxable Benefit
Sherrie-ann Alexander $129,674 $893
Faudia Bibi Azeez $123,286 $849
Raquel Britton $134,853 $1,164
Karen Chan $118,621 $1,808
Colleen Clark $137,881 $1,637
Tanja Corovic $129,674 $1,575
Everton Da Costa $129,674 $1,637
Satnam Dhillon $120,228 $1,574
Marcia Duncan $129,674 $1,164
Heather Effah $131,643 $1,637
Sherlene Fernando $129,674 $1,119
Alzira Fong $111,247 $1,509
Nicole Fraser $108,589 $2,050
Yvonne Gibbs $129,674 $1,637
Scott Gowland $129,694 $893
Nicholas Green $126,232 $1,108
Francisca Hamilton $120,891 $1,111
Patsy Hamilton-diabo $124,379 $285
Lisa Henry $124,898 $1,404
Ferdinand Herrera $119,489 $1,072
Shelley Hodder $113,437 $784
Leonard Hogan $111,247 $765
Joji John $137,277 $1,088
Robin Kelly $129,674 $1,164
Dorian King $129,674 $1,435
Marguerita Kirton-smith $126,857 $874
Darcy Koreen $129,674 $1,164
Ambreen Ladha $137,174 $900
Jennifer Lansue $114,464 $794
Chantal Lee $129,684 $955
Karen Leith-wentges $136,527 $1,095
Moira Leigh Lepage $117,971 $816
Dave Lewis $129,674 $893
Karri Madl $125,565 $1,426
Cheryl Mangar $129,674 $1,436
Patty Maniatis $129,674 $1,513
Shaju Mathew $126,836 $1,135
Kim Mclean $107,544 $950
Rosetta (rose) Mclean $129,674 $1,575
Dawn Mohamed $134,911 $893
Anne Mullins $129,674 $1,017
Monette Navarro $105,413 $887
Franz Noritz $129,674 $893
Salomey Ntow-Duku $122,669 $1,117
Kalpa Patel $122,669 $846
Kristina Peters $129,901 $814
Judie Powell $127,589 $1,152
Nimo Samater $129,674 $1,637
Gabriella Schnayer $132,333 $874
Daniela Silva $118,621 $1,560
Deborah Smith $134,114 $1,079
Yanqiang (sam) Song $118,621 $1,095
Shalini St.jules $129,674 $1,637
Bianca Stewart $129,674 $1,637
Sarah Townsend $117,848 $1,310
Kimberley Tvrdon $129,674 $1,436
Brenda Vaillant $118,621 $1,560
Melissa Vres $129,674 $893
Danielle Warning $129,674 $1,637
Nadia Willock $125,079 $1,111
Kevin Yarde $139,198 $1,637
Tamara Yearwood $100,721 $699
Elnaz Zeytouni $135,010 $1,069

Yearly Total Paid

Yearly Position Holder Count

Year # of Employees Average Salary Paid
2024 63 $126,958
2023 73 $123,384
2022 70 $117,636
2021 66 $118,346
2020 66 $117,388
2019 56 $117,640
2018 63 $116,466
2017 57 $112,648