The Ontario Sunshine List - Public Sector Salary Disclosure

The names, positions, salaries and total taxable benefits of public sector employees paid $100,000 or more in a calendar year.

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Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Medieval Studies

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In Ontario's 2024 Sunshine List, there were 404 employees with similar job titles who received an average salary of $137,976.82


Average Salary in 2024


Median Salary in 2024

404 employees (Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Medieval Studies)
1 404
Low: $101K Median: $136K High: $287K

Below is the quartile breakdown of the salary range.

276 employees received a salary between $101,014 - $147,439
114 employees received a salary between $147,439 - $193,865
11 employees received a salary between $193,865 - $240,290
3 employees received a salary between $240,290 - $286,715

Majority of the employees were paid within the salary range encompassing the first quartile breakdown.

What were the average and median salaries for a Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Medieval Studies listed in the 2024 Ontario Government Sunshine List?

The 2024 Ontario Sunshine List shows that the average and median salaries for a Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Medieval Studies are $137,976.82 and $135,504.64, respectively.

What is the highest salary for a Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Medieval Studies in a public organization in Ontario?

In 2024, Michael Marin, holding the position of Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Institute for Management And Innovation at the University of Toronto received the highest salary of $286,715.02 among similar positions in Ontario public organizations. Ioana Alexandra Bolintineanu, serving as the Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Medieval Studies at University of Toronto , earned the highest salary of $139,392.55 among individuals in the same position across public organizations in Ontario during that year.

What are the top 5 public organizations in Ontario that offer the highest salaries for Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Medieval Studies?

In the year 2024, the highest-paying organizations for Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Medieval Studies and similar positions in the Ontario were as follows: Queen’s University with an average pay of $248,236.62; York University with an average pay of $145,965.83; University of Toronto with an average pay of $137,617.00; University of Waterloo with an average pay of $129,587.82; and Ontario Tech University with an average pay of $114,249.19.

A total of 6 organizations had employees who held comparable positions as mentioned in the Ontario Sunshine list.

What are the top 3 public sectors in Ontario that offer the highest salaries for Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Medieval Studies?

In the year 2024, the highest-paying sector or industries for Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Medieval Studies and similar positions in the Ontario were as follows: Universities with an average pay of $137,976.82.

There were 1 sector where employees held similar positions, as indicated in the Ontario Sunshine list.

What is the representation of gender diversity for Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Medieval Studies in Ontario?

The 2024 Ontario Sunshine List indicates that the representation of gender diversity in Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Medieval Studies is 44.56% male and 55.44% female, respectively.

The 2024 Sunshine List has 404 employees who held comparable positions in Ontario.

10 out of 404 employees

Full Name Job Title Employer Total Paid
Michael Marin Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Institute for Management And Innovation University of Toronto $286,715
Paul Whissell Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Psychology University of Toronto $274,172
Kate Rowbotham Assistant Dean (Teaching And Learning), Assistant Professor Queen’s University $248,237
Will Huggon Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Department of Psychology University of Toronto $223,377
Dean Pacey Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream University of Waterloo $222,897
Jastaranpreet Singh Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Immunology University of Toronto $211,344
Art Noordeh Sessional Assistant Professor, Teaching / Director, Internationally Educated Professionals Bridging Program York University $208,239
Ruth Robbio Assistant Professor, Teaching York University $206,116
David G. Rose Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream University of Waterloo $204,488
Luai Al Labadi Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Department of Mathematical And Computational Sciences University of Toronto $203,183

Yearly Average Paid

Year Total Employee Count Average Paid