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The Ontario Sunshine List - Public Sector Salary Disclosure

The names, positions, salaries and total taxable benefits of public sector employees paid $100,000 or more in a calendar year.

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years of data
employee records of 23 years (since 2001)
employees in 2023
employers in 2023
paid raised in 2023
billion paid in 2023
OntarioSunshineList.ca processes and presents data on public sector employees from the Ontario Sunshine List, introduced in 1996. The website uses publicly available data from the Government of Ontario, supplemented with additional files to ensure completeness. Specific algorithms clean and standardize the data, with manual checks for accuracy. Year-over-year salary increases, average and median salaries, and employee gender are calculated and presented. The information is categorized by Years, Sectors, Job Titles, Employers, and Employees, allowing users to explore over 6,000 employers, 100,000 unique position titles, and half a million employees from the past 22 years through searchable tables and charts.

23 Years

Years # of Sectors # of Employees
2023 19 300,570
2022 17 266,903
2021 17 244,456
2020 18 205,855
2019 17 167,098
2018 17 151,375
2017 18 131,909
2016 17 124,445
2015 18 115,920
2014 18 111,655
See all years »

Popular Job Titles in 2023

Top 10 Highest Paying Employers in 2023

Employers # of Employees Total Paid
Ontario Power Generation 9,310 $1,575,653,191
City of Toronto 9,256 $1,219,787,169
University of Toronto 5,946 $1,014,122,252
Toronto District School Board 8,813 $935,968,274
City of Toronto - Police Service 5,588 $780,473,161
Ontario Provincial Police 5,329 $713,789,345
Peel District School Board 6,547 $698,539,189
City of Toronto - Toronto Transit Commission 4,784 $562,777,465
York Region District School Board 4,962 $531,288,281
City of Ottawa 3,913 $478,998,203
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